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This chapter is not kid appropriate

(Sophia's POV)

Lax airport 13th April


Olivia Rodrigo 📞

Where are you?

We're getting our suitcases.

Hurry your asses up I don't want to be seen.

Why don't you wanna be seen?

With all due respect I don't want to crash with paparazzi flashing lights in my face.

We'll be there in five.

Got it.


"Everyone got everything?" I ask, they nod for an answer and I start to walk to Livs car, the group following swiftly behind. We get to the car, "LIV." I scream getting in the front. "PIRATE." She screams back. We give each other a hug while Henry puts all of our suitcases in the back. "Done." Henry says closing the back. He sits down and we drive off to Livs apartment. We hang out at hers till 5ish. We walk downstairs ready to go while Olivia gets everything she needs for the festival and puts it in the back next to our stuff.

"Who's ready for a two hour drive?" Liv asks starting to drive again. It's dead silent, I turn around and see they all dead asleep. "They're sleeping." I say trying to hold back laughter. "Stop." She giggles. "So Tate and Conan are meeting us there?" I ask. "Oh! Yeah also don't get mad but we may have invited someone else." She replies. "Who?" "Well Nessa didn't have anyone to come with so-" "Wait. Nessa Barrett?" "Yeah."

"How the fuck do you know Nessa?" "Singer things. Wait how do you know Nessa?" "We were friends then stuff happened." "Then?" "Then she made out with my boyfriend at a party." "WHAT?! WHEN?" "When we were 16. Haven't spoken to her since." "Who were you dating?" "Matt." "Matt?" "Sturniolo." I mumble. "WHAT YOU DATED MATT STURNIOLO." She shouts waking Henry. "Shut the fuck up." He groans going back to sleep.

"Shit my bad." Liv says. "You dated Matt Sturniolo?" She whispers loudly. "It was our secret because Taylor wasn't having the best year so if it got out it would make her career worst." "How?" "Don't ask me ask Taylor's managers." "So Nessa didn't know?" "She knew. She knew it all and she gave me a smirk while making out with him." "Matt the famous triplet." "Mhm. Who did you think made him famous?"

"Who?" "You're having a blonde moment." "I'm not even blonde." She says making me place my hands in my face. "No seriously who made him famous?" She asks curiously. "Me stupid, he wanted to start videos but he had no confidence to so I encourage him too then helped him set up everything but it was missing something so we brang in his brothers and that's how the Sturniolo triplets channel started." I explain.

Liv drives with her jaw dropped. "How long were you two dating for?" She asks. "Eleven months." I say making her jaw drop wider. "So let me get this straight. You two had a good relationship because you stuck together for eleven months then yous went to a party together, assuming he got drunk with Nessa then they made out?" She says.

"Close, we had a good relation ship then Me, Matt and Nessa were going to a party together and then Matt wondered off getting super drunk and so it was just me and Nessa talking while drinking a little and she walked away after a bit to go find Jess our other friend. Around thirty minutes of talking with randoms I decide to go find Matt and Nessa and I found them against the wall making out." I reply.

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