3 Hours |03|

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(Sophia's POV)

Gracie has an annoyed look on her face like I'm the one who got us stuck in here. We're trapped for three fucking hours, unless someone comes by and opens it which I doubt because everyone's watching Taylor.

I keep trying to open the door, shaking the handle more aggressively each time but nothing. "Stop trying, it won't work." I hear Gracie say from a chair she just sat on. "Fuck off." I snap.

"You haven't taken your medication today have you?" She asks. "Did I not just say fuck off?" I reply. "Wait- How do you know about my meds?" I question. Only a selection of people know I need medication.

She gives me a look then turns her head. Shit. I feel bad now. I let go of the handle and walk over to her. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I apologise sitting down in front of her. She just stares at me.

"What did I do to you?" I ask calmly. "I should be asking that, not you." She responds. "You never did anything Gracie." "So why'd you say those things about me?"

"Honestly whoever you heard that from is full of shit. I didn't say a single word about you." I say making her give me an irritated look.

"What even happened between you and Sabrina? Weren't you two best friends?" Gracie asks. I sigh.

"Okay then. I met her while she was on Disney and then I met Olivia. I became close with both of them and then Liv started dating Joshua. After that ended I had to hold Liv crying in my arms. Sabrina started dating him and I was so caught up with Liv that I didn't have time for her. We fought over not having time for each other than her dating Joshua, it was just a messy fight leaving us to stop talking. Then I found out she was talking shit so I called her out and it cause another fight and she told the whole world things that shouldn't have been said." I say with my head down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't kno-" "It's fine." I say cutting her off. "I shouldn't have gone off at you." She says. I look up at her. "Don't apologise, I said somethings I shouldn't have."

"So you admit to talking shit?" "Not about you, definitely about Sabrina though." "You really shouldn't." "I have every right to, she made me loose my modelling contract for Prada." I say with an angry tone.

"Calm down." Every time someone says that I get way more mad but with her it's different. I listen to her. "So we're stuck in here for three hours with no phones or anything?" I ask. "Did you not bring your phone?" She asks.

"No, it's in the back lounge." I answer. "Fuck." She mumbles. I rest my head against the wall. I can see out of the corner of my eye, Gracie looking at me.

"You good?" I ask tilting my head back down. "Uh Yeah." She says. "So what are we gonna do for the next couple of hours?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders. We start talking a little more. "So what's it like having Taylor Swift as your sister?" Gracie asks.

I give her a strange look and start to take off the bracelets on my wrist but a green and blue one. "She's more of the world's sister than mine." I answer. "Why so?" "I mean we're close and stuff but the age gap is massive and I find everything about her on instagram or something." "Oh I'm sorry. I know how you feel though." She says. I give her another strange look.

"My dad, you know how famous he is. I've always been his daughter never Gracie. We never really connected, he always brushed me off and instead bonded with my younger brother August leaving me and my older brother Henry."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." "Don't be, it's stupid. Why'd you only keep the green and blue bracelet on?" "So this blue one is me and Taylor's matching bracelet and this green one is the last thing my close friend gave to me before she passed away."

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