You Need To Calm Down |05|

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(Sophia's POV)



I wake up to a knocking sound. I'm sure Taylor will get it. As I snuggle back into my sheets the knocks continue only getting faster and faster.

"Taylor!" I shout but no answer. I get up out of bed proceeding to walk to the door hearing the banging get louder. I pull down on the handle and before I could open the door properly, it swings open and they walk inside pushing my shoulder.

I couldn't see who just barged into my hotel room. "What the fuck?" I mumble. I shut the door then turning around to see Sabrina. What's she doing here?

"Shut up, we need to talk." She says. "I just woke and my sleep is more important than talking to you." I reply. She stares into my soul with a straight face. Quite disturbing actually.

"So what do you want?" I ask. "Right, so what's going on between you and Gracie?" She questions. "Me and Gracie? What? Does she think I talked shit about her again because of you?" "No, like you two seem a little too close."

"Are you scared I'm going to steal your bestfriend?" "No. If anyone should be scared, it should be Donnie." "Why?" "Holy fuck your dumb." She says.

I look at her confused. "Why should Donnie be scared?" "Because you're going to take his girl." The blonde explains. I stand there in silence trying to make sense of everything because I quite literally woke up three minutes ago.

Then realisation hits me. "Excuse me, what? First, Gracie and I like men not women. Second, I couldn't have feelings for her because she has a boyfriend." I snap.

"First, Donnie is not a man and second, what if she didn't have a boyfriend?" She asks. I think for a moment. My mind's telling me I want her but my mouth can't let the words out.

"We're friends." I answer. "I'm not taking that as a no." "And you shouldn't take it as a yes." "I literally walked into you two about to kiss." "No." "Bullshit." "Fuck off Sabrina. No one wants you here." "I'm not here to argue Swift." She says. I stare at her blankly.

"That's a first." I scoff. "Do you like her?" "As a friend." "Stop lying." "Give me my Prada contract back then I'll tell you." I smile sarcastically. She stays quiet.

"Exactly, get out." I say. "I'm sorry for making you loose your contract." Sabrina mumbles. "Sorry? What was that? I couldn't quite hear you." I lie. "I'm sorry for making you loose your contract!" She shouts.

A big smile grows across my face. "Hm, still hate you for it." "Didn't ask." "Hey, what happened to having a civil conversation?" I pout as fake as possible holding back laughter. She rolls her eyes.

"How is she though?" I only ask because of last night. "Haven't spoken to her yet, meant to go over to her room before but I couldn't help but to ask you that." "I don't like her. We're just friends."

"Sure." Sabrina scoff walking towards my door. She walks out slamming it behind her. It's 6:46am and that hitch just slammed the door. She woke me up at 6:30 for this bull shit? I can't even like Gracie, she has a boyfriend.

Time skip

Taylor's been out all day. Not a single text or a call, no clue where she is. It's been hours and I can't stop thinking about what Sabrina said. 'What if she didn't have a boyfriend?' It hasn't stopped wondering through my mind, like the words are haunting me.

I grab my jacket heading out into 51.8°F (11°C) weather. I walk out into the cold breeze placing my sunglasses on my face and my AirPods in my ears.

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