'i know he wouldn't.' harry assured. he wanted to be near simon, obviously he did, but he knew how much simon and tobi had been looking forward to sharing a room. they'd talked about it almost the whole way here like children going to their first sleepover. he'd already ruined the night for everyone else, he didn't need to ruin it for simon and tobi too. 'i'll be fine. seriously.'

simon wasn't convinced but decided to let it go. he looked over his shoulder at the house, glaring daggers at it. harry took simon's hands into his own and squeezed them.

'ghosts aren't real.' harry told him (and himself) and simon nodded, squeezing back and bringing his eyes back to meet harry's. 'it's... just a stupid house.'

'just a stupid house.' simon agreed.

it's a stupid idea, is what it was. why the everliving fuck had harry convinced himself that this was the right move. nice one, harry. let's stay in the creepy old house with (alleged) dead residents that mysteriously know your full name and make unsettling knocking sounds every five bloody minutes. great idea. i'm sure we'll fall asleep instantly and get a full nights rest.

if harry had a time machine he'd slap his past self in the face.

it had just passed 3am, everyone was in bed. asleep, probably. the cameramen had left to their hotels (lucky bastards) and harry was laying awake on a half deflated air mattress, ethan and jj asleep on their own mattresses either side of him, at what he'd learned to be the 'most active' hour in the house. amazing. so fucking great.

to add to that (as if anything needed to be added) he had to piss. desperately. he'd already looked around the room for a bottle, it was that desperate. he weighed up his options. hold it? no. piss out the window? unfortunately, all of the windows were nailed shut. piss in ethan's bag? tempting, honestly. piss in the antique teapot they'd been instructed not to touch? yeah, maybe not. walk down the long, dark, haunted hallway to get to the bathroom? god, harry really didn't want to do that one.

'ethan.' he decided to try and wake someone up to make the journey with him. he shook at ethan's shoulder. 'wake up.'

'what?' ethan was annoyed already, harry was pretty confident he knew how this would play out. he tried anyway.

'can you come to the toilet with me?' harry crossed his fingers and hoped. ethan grumbled and tried to ignore him. harry shook him again. 'please, ethan!'

'no!' ethan rolled over and settled back down. 'just go on your own.'

harry sighed and turned to jj. he'd hadn't even reached out for his arm when jj told him no and turned away too. harry sighed and fell back onto his flattening mattress.

well, he was going to have to either piss himself or make the journey on his own (one barely outweighed the other) he eyed the teapot again, considering it.

'for fucks sake.' he huffed out as he threw the blanket off of him and stood up. he wished that he'd taken simon up on his offer to take him home, or at least the offer to to switch rooms. harry knew simon wouldn't have made him go on his own.

he tried to keep his thoughts on simon as he picked up his torch and walked to the door. he gave a glance back to ethan and jj's sleeping bodies, hoping one of them had changed their mind and was coming with him, but they were asleep. thanks guys. he opened the door and shone his torch down the hallway.

his skin was crawling. why, why, why did they have to pick the furthest room from the toilet. he started walking, trying to move silently. when he heard scratching behind one of the doors he walked past he prayed they had mice. it's old moldy country house. mice made sense, he told himself, ghosts didn't make sense.

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