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After Maddie returned the book, I took her request seriously. I read it right away that evening.

Zain and Maddie were busy with the pack while Jason watched over her from a distance.

I confessed to Zain I needed to continue my research and he did not argue. Since we've been intertwined with each other, he does not worry about our status.

He is confident I will not go to Maddox at the end of this. For the most part, I don't want to ruin things with Zain.

I am not delusional. He does not care about the Malfattos, yet he wants me to succeed. He wants to avoid me feeling guilty.

To my surprise, Jason never caught on. Maddie kept him occupied. However, I observed him throughout the day during my reading breaks.

He isn't so nonchalant about our friends. I saw him sneak off from time to time with a tormented look on his face. I am unaware if it's over his time with the Ambroses or if he is as stumped about how to solve the problem as I am.

Working with Jason would be ideal, but that would require admitting I have mom's journal. After finishing it yesterday and rereading it early this morning, I am quite confident it's useless.

My mother didn't give much details. She describes the horrors of blood magic but does not give a guide to how to perform it. She kept rambling about Nathaniel and his obsession.

Honestly, she seemed to be more obsessed with him than be in love with my father. But that's my own opinion.

Adding on to my turmoil, not seeing Marisa and Maddox has taken its toll. She hasn't even called. Of course, Maddox wouldn't but she should have. It's like I don't matter to her.

She made it clear she isn't coming here which means the only way I will be able to put out this worry is by seeing them.

It's around noon and Zain is still busy with his pack. I contemplate asking him about going to see them but what's the point? If he says no, then that won't end well because I will go anyway.

Then again, if I leave the premises, our pack will snitch on me. There's no way I can sneak out. Maybe, if I notify him and leave at the same time, I won't get into much trouble.

Probably, not accurate but I'm doing it anyway.

'I'm going to see Marisa,' I link him as I exit the compound and into one of the cars.

There is no point in mentioning Maddox. He is aware Maddox will be there and I'm not trying to make him upset.

'No. Where are you,' he asks. Even in my mind, I can tell he is bitter.

I start the engine, 'I was not asking. I am informing you.'

I put the car in drive and make my way out of the territory.

'I'm on my way,' he links.

'You'll waste your time. I'm already in the car driving. You won't catch up.'

I hear a growl echo across my mind and my hairs stand up. 'Want to bet,' he threatens.

'Alpha, relax. I only have two days left to solve something I'm no way near solving. I need to see them in case I won't be able to later on,' I try to use a sweet tone.

I'm not sure if it was my usage of his title or acknowledging that my time with them is limited but he did not argue further. As much as he wants me not to feel guilty, he likes the idea more of loosing contact with them.

'Be back by 5 or I will go searching for you, Luna,' he answers, not the happiest.

'Yes, sir,' I play around.

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