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His words do not register.

'You're my mate.' I am his.

I say it more to myself. There is no need to question it because, for some reason the instant I took off my necklace, I knew it. Felt it in every fiber of my being. I have always found Zain attractive, that is no secret. It was subdued in ways. Maddox stirred more in me.

Now, I can't say it's the same. There is nothing subdued about what I am feeling. My nerves are heightened. My senses seem overwhelmed with his smell, pine, and fresh air.

I don't know the extent to which they use the word mate, but I know he is mine. He is my other half.

It scares me. I feel different, rejuvenated. I have no idea why my parents would hide me from the werewolves. Maybe, it was from Zain in particular.

I can't imagine they would consciously hide me from him, knowing what it would mean to me. Everything is overwhelming. I shake my head and take a step back.

He does not let go of my face, and follows me, stepping forward with me.

"Zain, I can't do this. I must go," I plea for him to release me.

I can control him to let me go but part of me does not want him to. I want him to do it on his own accord. Maybe, I know he won't. Giving me a chance to relish more time in his contact before the questions consume me.

"Shhh...Helena, my Helena," he says so softly.

It sends shivers down my spine. He has called me by my name before, but the effect has heightened. I take a deep breath in and allow my forehead to fall against his.

"I am not sure what this means," I confess because I don't.

I worry he will completely avoid the alliance with Maddox and Marisa now that I am his. I'm unsure if I would fight against it. I can't seem to want to leave this man. I hope I will never betray them for Zain.

It's a scary thought; one I hate.

My mother said, 'Your home is with them.'

My home is with Maddox and Marisa. But what if I must choose?

She must have known somehow. She also said to 'remember who truly lies in your heart.' This is what she meant.

She knew I could meet Zain someday. She knew I would question where I belong, but what lies in my heart is my home, Marisa, Jason, and Maddox. If I am with them, I am content.

There might not be room for Zain.

I think he sensed the turmoil in me. He brings me closer and encompasses me in his body. His hug is tender and rich.

He says into my hair, "You will be with me, forever. We won't be apart any longer."

The words should have comforted me, yet they heightened my fear more. I lean back to look at him.

"Zain, I can't leave them," I choke out.

I did not have to clarify who.

"They may stay. We still need this alliance. It turns out, you were the correct answer. You are bonded to them, but you belong to me, my Helena. I will protect them more, knowing you are something I cannot lose again."

"Again," I question.

He looks pained but shares, "I thought I had no mate out there which is why I agreed to Maddox's offer. We, werewolves, have one mate and we wait for them. This marriage was unusual not only because of who could have potentially been my bride but because I was going to marry someone who was not my mate."

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