GONE| 24

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Subtle voices around me are heard but I cannot distinguish the words. There is a harsh stern voice and a lighter one going back and forward.

My vision is blank. Nothing is in sight. Am I dead?


The voices I hear are confirmation. However, I can't seem to see anything. I keep breathing.

"This is your fault," the lighter voice yells.

"I have no idea what that message is supposed to mean," the harsh one responds.


A laugh.

"We will see what Helena has to say about it," the lighter voice speaks.

I recognize the condescending tone; the voice that usually cuts into anyone that gets in their way. Marisa.

I remember. I was at Zain's and then blood.

Marisa is in danger. Then, again, she sounds well.

Good. Zain was able to find her.

That means I am ok. My body is probably trying to get better and catch up. It will take longer for me.

If I could cipher a little, then maybe I can expedite the process but how do I let them know without speaking?

I attempt to open my eyes. It does not work.

I focus on my surroundings. I am on a hard surface. I feel the rough plank at my back.

I focus on my hand, willing it to move but that fails too.

"You will say nothing to her," the harsh voice commands. The increase speed in my chest indicates it as Zain.

What are they arguing about?

Marisa and I are injured. This does not seem like the appropriate time.

I want to tell them to stop but my throat feels dry.

"Scare, are we? Probably because you know she isn't an idiot. She will see right through your bullshit."

"No, but she will not be able to handle the news of her coven," Zain replies. There is something I detect in his voice, uncertainty.

Wait. He said my coven.

I can't hear any more voices.

Where is my coven? How did Marisa leave the ward I left around the cabin?

My witches would have never gone against my orders. Well, maybe, if Marisa ordered it but she knew she had to stay put.

I started to become more desperate. I have to move. My eyes flash open and the sudden exposure to light burns. I shut them. Then I open them. I lick my lips.

Marisa says, "when I said to not mention them, I didn't only mean my vamps. Do not have her coven in your mouth either. You soil their memory."

She is sitting next to me, perched on top of the table, I recognize. Her hands held mine.

I can cipher but I study her. She is unwell. Paler than usual which should not be possible. I shouldn't cipher her.

But I want to move and communicate. Marisa is so focused on arguing with Zain that she does not notice I am awake.

I take another moment to gather my strength and look at her.

Her grey eyes intently gazed at Zain. Both her delicate hands grab one of mine, shielding them.

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