LOST| 14

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Telling the group about a pending competition with the werewolves did not go smoothly. Everyone was against it. It seems my idea to loosen the tension will be a failure. The vamps see it as a waste of time.

There was a bunch of 'those mutts don't have a chance, why waste our time' and my personal favorite 'We aren't dog trainers.'

Even my witches were against it. They thought it was a way of humiliation. Given that the vamps and the wolves are blessed with super abilities, they thought it would be unfair.

Jason and I are the only ciphers. My witches can cast spells, use herbs and nature to get help from our surroundings, but they would not have enough time to do that in the middle of a field.

I left them, a headache in tow. The competition will have to be canceled. There is no point in forcing them.

Such bad sports.

Not that I can blame them. All they hear is how wolves are low lives. They are only here to protect the Malfattos.

They worship Marisa and Maddox. Every vamp glorifies their pure lines. The vamps in our region are no different.

Ultimately, they came to make sure no harm comes to them. They were thrilled that Marisa will not be destined to wed one of the wolves. Kind of hurts that they were so eager with the idea to replace Marisa with me.

I mean, I don't object. I know now that everything seems to have a way to fall into place but still. I have protected my home forever. Years of servitude mean nothing to the vamps as long as their precious lines are not touched.

I have spent the entire afternoon working out schedules and arrangements for the group. Our stay will be long, and we needed to get all the logistics figured out. I even laid ground rules.

The most important rule for the vamps is that no one feeds off Zain's pack. Everyone should stick with their given partner, one of my witches. My witches are willing participants. Both groups have grown up with one another. We are a strong unit which is why this group is so resilient. If that does not suffice, then we will figure out other means.

It's dark out. Maddox and I make our way back to Zain's compound. I have not heard anything from Jason. I am nervous. I hope that for our sake, Maddie and he do not try to puzzle things together.

Marisa stayed watching over Adam. He started to gain consciousness and she wants to personally make sure he recuperates. She truly feels bad. I feel awful that I put her in that situation.

Walking next to Maddox is quiet and peaceful. We do not have to say anything to one another. When times were hard at home, we often enjoyed simply being in one another's presence. No words. No touching. Only being nearby would erase the edge of that day's hardship.

It was our way of keeping up that wall between us but still never letting go of hope. It all seems ridiculous now.

There is no hope for us. I know it. Zain knows it, but Maddox does not.

I should let him know, yet something deep in me is telling me that it would only end in disaster.

The silence is broken by him, "What's wrong, amica mea?"

That's twice today.

"Stop calling me that," I give him a disapproving face.

"You never had a problem with it before," he raises his eyebrow.

"That was then. It's not appropriate anymore."

"Because of the wolf," he scoffs, stopping in his tracks.

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