SICK| 36

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Marisa's eyes are bright with want. My body is utterly aware of her necessity. She needs to have me. Not only physically but emotionally. An appetite to consume my body and blood.

Zain's hand goes back up to my abdomen and he possesively rests it on me. He is staking his claim against the unwanted third party.

Her grip on my hand gets tighter. My breath hitches as she brings our hands to her lips. She kisses my knuckles softly.

Then her lips feel harder. She gives a lingering kiss on one of my fingers. Her fangs graze the soft tip of my flesh.

I shudder at the promise. Marisa wants me. The fact that Zain is behind me does not deter her. It entices her.

Maybe it's the adrenaline of fighting with another apex predator or the memory of almost having me but Marisa longs for more.

I feel her mouth move down to my wrist with the slide of her hard teeth. I see the intention and I don't know how to stop it.

The sudden shift of weight from behind me is the only warning I get when my hand gets snatched. The movement too quick, and a nick is created.

I hiss at the sharp pain. Marisa targets her gaze at Zain and then at the promise of food. I bite my lip at the potential danger.

Zain's arms encircle me. His hands hold mine to my chest. He is keeping them away from her.

I close my eyes at the sound of his voice, "Not in this lifetime, Malfatto."

At the warning, another pair of red-filled eyes pop open and stare us down. Adam's shoulder tense as he grips Marisa's waist, either to hold her back or to show she isn't alone.

Like always, he doesn't say anything. He simply waits at her back for his lady's lead.

First with lust, now she eyes Zain as a threat, "Whether I want a zip or something more, it is not up to you to dictate."

Zain's hold feels heavier. "You are in this room because Helena needs reassurance of your well-being. You are not to engage in anything with her or me. This isn't some sick fantasy."

"It's only sick because you make it so. If I want to make her feel good and she allows it, would you call her demented too?" Marisa raises her eyebrow.

"There is a difference between not refusing and wanting it to happen." Zain's voice gets grave.

Marisa laughs. It's a grading chuckle. One meant to diminish the other person. "And did she in fact consent to be marked by you or she didn't refuse? I'm wondering if you follow your own advise."

Zain's grip loosens. He stays quiet. This isn't how I picture my night, sharing a bed with both of them.

I will admit for a second I did think this was going in another direction and I'm not sure whether I was against it. Part of me found it hot.

I know what Zain makes me feel. I'm also aware of how much I mean to Marisa. A good time is guarantee.

I push from Zain and sit up. All follow.

"I want you both..."

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