It wasn't uncommon for me to be the one initiating conversations with her; she tended to be a bit reserved. "So, what have you been up to lately?" she inquired, breaking the silence.

Glancing around before answering, I leaned in slightly. "I've been meeting with some detectives. They're looking into the accident. There was an attack yesterday. Luckily, one of the detectives managed to dodge it. They've taken the assailants into custody and are investigating who sent them," I explained.

"You don't need to search for him. She'll come to you. But detectives will only be useful once they uncover the whole truth," she responded cryptically, always one to leave me pondering.

"I don't understand you," I admitted, feeling slightly puzzled by her enigmatic words.

"Time will answer your question," she replied mysteriously, leaving me at a loss for words.

"Go get some rest. You look tired," she said, her figure fading away into the shadows.

"Good night," I whispered back, feeling a sense of bewilderment as I made my way to bed, her words lingering in my mind long after she had vanished.

Jin pov

It's been a week since Taehyung returned home, and thankfully, he's been steadily improving. However, there's a lingering sense of unease hovering over us. Y/N's detectives have uncovered intel suggesting a potential attack on us while we're not together . Jimin echoed the same concerns, prompting Y/N to urge us to remain indoors.

In light of this threat, we decided it was best to send Yun and Mina, our babies, to my in-laws' house. Their presence here would only escalate any potential danger. considering Taehyung's current condition,  Although he's made significant progress, the sight of him with bandages adorning his head and left arm would undoubtedly upset them greatly.

Protecting our family is paramount, and if keeping them away from harm means temporarily parting ways, then so be it. Yet, even as we take precautions, the tension in the air remains palpable, a constant reminder of the dangers lurking just beyond our doorstep.

Since Taehyung's return from the hospital, two of Y/N's detectives have become a constant presence in our home. Sunghoon, the tall man who accompanied us in the hospital, and Sakura, a girl surprisingly young for such a serious line of work, who has been closely monitoring Namjoon and Jimin. Both are quiet but incredibly focused on their duties.

By now, I've grown accustomed to their silent patrols throughout the house. It's been a week, and I'm still unsure if they've pieced together the full picture of who we are or if, despite knowing, they've chosen to continue protecting us. This morning, we all shared breakfast together, a routine that's become familiar, if not entirely comfortable.

Y/N's brother joined us as well . My feelings toward him haven't warmed, given what Y/N endured because of him. However, Y/N appears more at ease around him now, engaging in conversation more freely than before. He's been a regular visitor, checking in on both Y/N and Taehyung since the accident. I suppose, as her brother, his presence is understandable, even expected. Despite my reservations, it's not my place to question his motives for being here. After all, family dynamics are complicated, and it's clear Y/N values his support during this time.

As the echo of the gunshot reverberated through the room, I remained rooted in place, my mind clear and focused despite the chaos erupting around us. Beside me, Jungkook paused his game, his eyes narrowing with determination, mirroring my own unwavering resolve.

Spotting the hole in the wall, a cold determination settled over me, a reminder of the perilous world we inhabited. Without hesitation, I moved to the window, meeting the menacing gaze of the intruder outside with a calm stare of my own.

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