chapter 49

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(in the silent room the brothers sat quietly waiting for their baby brother to gain consciousness, it was night already none of the brothers have eaten anything since morning, Jimin had a sandwich before giving his blood that's it.

a few minutes Passed and the brothers noticed hobi squinting his eyes they all rushed towards him, jin who was sitting beside him caressed his hair....and soon they noticed hobi sweating and mumbling something)

Hobi: p.. please don't b..beat me.., it hurts...jin hyung, yoongi hyung please save me

(He cried. Eyes still closed and mumbled as a tear rolled down his cheek, the brothers panicked and jin immediately embraced the boy in a comforting hug and spoke while caressing his hair)

Jin: shushhh, no one's beating you hobi! Open your eyes buba... you're safe.. open your eyes

Hobi: d.. don't b..beat please

Yoongi: (caressing hobi's cheek) nobody's beating you baby, hyung will chop off their hands whoever dares to raise their hands on you... Be a good boy and open your eyes..see you're safe

(The brothers rubbed his palms to calm him down after sometimes he slowly opened his eyes just to find himself at the hospital surrounded by his beloved elder brothers, he felt like he was in the hell and his brothers came to save him, he felt like he was safe now..he immediately hugged jin and buried his head in his stomach crying loudly, jin caressed his back in order to calm him down)

Jin: hobi, stop crying...calm down bub

Hobi: i..i was so scared, they had beaten me up...i missed you all...i called for you all but nobody came to save me...i want to go to mumma and papa.. nobody loves me here.. everyone tries to hurt me..they are so bad

(His voice was filled with fear and hurt..the brother's eyes got teary listening to him..they all hugged him at the same time)

Rm: who said nobody loves you? We love you hobi, your hyungs love you bun.. please don't cry...we will not leave the person who tried to hurt you...we are sorry hobi.. please don't cry..... you're safe now, nobody will do anything to you

(Hobi looked at namjoon and tried to go towards him but he stopped when he realized there was an iv needle attached to his vein, he looked at Jungkook while sobbing, jk wiped his tears with his thumb and slowly removed the needle from his vein, then namjoon came near him and wrapped his arm around hobi carefully not wanting to touch his buriesd body, hobi hugged namjoon tightly and cried more)

(The brothers just mumbled some soft and comforting words to calm him down, a few minutes passed like that hobi crying while hugging namjoon tightly and the brothers mumbling some comforting words in his ear.. and soon after sometimes hobi calm down a little..he broke the hug with rm and hugged jin again)

Jin: (caressing hobi's hair) stop crying hobi!! get up hobi and eat something then you have to take medicine

(Jin helped him in sitting up, he placed some pillows behind his back and hobi sat there still sobbing a little with teary eyes, jin started feeding him..he looked at all the brothers standing around him with worried expressions, he pouted while crying and mumbled)

Hobi: i..i am sorry (he mumbled as tears began to roll down his cheek, jimin wiped his tears off and asked)

Jimin: for what? (He asked softly, hobi slowly looked at him and replied while sobbing)

Hobi: f..for sneaking out..i disobeyed you all and got into all must have been worried about me right? I am so sorry..i promise i will never do it again

(He spoke tears rolling down his cheek...the brothers sighed looking at him crying his heart out and regretting for sneaking out of the house...hobi looked down while crying and waited for them to forgive him and soon jin spoke)

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