chapter 37

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Jin: don't worry...we will find him..i am sure he is at soobin's house

(The others nodded taking a deep breath to calm themselves down and they left to find hobi.. hoping to see him at either his friend's house or at their own house)


(Jungkook rang the doorbell of soobin's house waiting for that guy to open the door...the brothers were visibly shaking and scared..they want to see their little brother safe and without any buries, they won't bear a single scratch on that soft body of his)

(The door cracked opened. Soobin saw Jungkook he immediately took a step backwards shaking due to fear.. that's when jk spoke)

Jk: where's hobi? (He asked glaring at soobin, soobin seemed confused. Why was he asking about hobi? He stared at Jungkook who was glaring at him and soon they found another male walking towards them as he stood beside soobin)

??: what's going on? Who are you all?

Soobin: hyung they are hoseok's brothers (his elder brother nodded and looked at them)

Namjoon: soobin, is hobi at your house?

(He asked in his shaky voice expecting to hear that he is at soobin's house..the brothers looked at soobin with hopeful eyes)

Soobin: n-no hyung, he isn't at my house what happened?

(The brothers felt like their world was going to crash...their heart beat increased...the negetive thoughts lingered in their minds they wanted to cry..they wanted to see their baby brother now..they won't bear if something bad happened to that pure soul)

Namjoon: h-hobi is missing (namjoon replied in his shaky voice on the verge of crying)

Soobin: what? Hobi is missing?

Jungkook: (to soobin) don't pretend like you don't know anything (Jungkook yelled at soobin)

Soobin: s..sorry? I don't know about him...i don't know anything

Taehyung: s..soobin he was with you after school right?

Soobin: i..i agree he was with me after...

Jk: see, i know this bastard did som..

Excuse me mister, lower your voice and he was with soobin when i went to pick him up and soobin even offered him to give him a ride to their home but he refused to go with us and that time you called him so we left him there"

(Finally soobin's brother spoke glaring at Jungkook)

Namjoon: o-okay, i am sorry from his behalf... Jungkook and taehyung let's go

(Taekokk were peaking inside the house with suspicious eyes, soobin's older brother noticed that and spoke)

"You can check inside the house if you have a doubt" (he said looking at taekook who nodded and were about to walk inside the house when rm pulled them back from their collar)

Rm: no it's okay, we trust you... taehyung and Jungkook let's go

Soobin: namjoon hyung please do inform me when you find him

(Namjoon nodded and dragged taekook towards the car..they sat in the car...they were worried and so scared but still they had a little hope to see him at their own house. With that small hope taehyung started the car)

(They were going home..namjoon was staring out of the window that's when his eyes caught someone's attention)

(A young boy was standing near the bench in front of an ice cream parlor..he was eating ice cream while dancing like a looked like it's been months since he last had an ice cream he was in his uniform, his bag was kept on the bench and he was back facing them)

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