chapter 29

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Hobi: awwww so sweet (he said squeezing jungkook's cheek but he got distracted by a phone beeping sound, hobi picked the phone and saw beomgyu sent a video to him)


(Hobi frowned as he played the video but soon his expression turned into a Shocked ones.. it was a video of him beating felix mercilessly and soon as the brothers heard hobi cursing in the video their attention diverted towards him, hobi immediately turned off the phone and slowly looked at his brothers who were giving him death glares.. before he could say something his phone was snatched by taehyung who was sitting beside him)

Hobi; h-hyung pl...(cuts off)

Suga: shushhh........taehyung play the video

(Taehyung nodded as he opened hobi's phone, all the brothers sat on the couch beside each other, hobi was sitting in the middle... taehyung played the video...hobi looked down and fiddled with his fingers as the brothers watched the video of hobi beating and cursing felix...soon the video ended brothers looked at hobi)

Yoongi: (twisted hobi's ear) you don't know the meaning of sexy but you an curse you even know the meaning of that sentence?

Hobi: ahhh hyungie.. please leave me ear..and which sentence are you talking about?

Yoongi: you said to felix that "go and f...your handsome you know the meaning of it?

Jin: you said that hobi? (Jin asked shockingly as he came and placed hobi's dinner on the table)

Hobi: i...i am sorry...

Yoongi: do you know the meaning of that sentence?

Hobi: n-no...wait let me google it (he said looking at his brothers innocently)

wait let me google it (he said looking at his brothers innocently)

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(his brothers slapped their foreheads and replied)

Rm: shut up, no need to google it, am i clear?

Hobi: okie since i am a good boy so i will listen to you and i won't google the meaning

(he said fiddling with his fingers, jin picked him up and made him sit on the other couch beside him, as he started feeding him)

Jin: (feeding hobi) from where did you learn those curse words?

(Hobi slowly pointed his finger at jk who jumped on his place scared of his brother's reaction, hyungs glared at Jungkook and were about to scold him when hobi's finger moved towards taehyung who looked at him shockingly)

(Hobi slowly pointed his finger at jk who jumped on his place scared of his brother's reaction, hyungs glared at Jungkook and were about to scold him when hobi's finger moved towards taehyung who looked at him shockingly)

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