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(right now all the brothers except hobi were in the living room crying their hearts out, they searched hobi everywhere but they couldn't find him, they were so worried about him and they were regretting for leaving that boy alone in the house)

(They feel like they lost him, they felt so pathetic that it was night already and their baby brother was missing and they couldn't do anything other than just sitting at home and crying, it's not like they didn't search for him, they searched everywhere but there was no sign of their brother)

(Yoongi was sitting on the couch staring at the blank space suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder he looked at the direction and found Jungkook standing there with a bowl in his hand)

Jungkook: h-hyung i made ramen for you please eat something

Yoongi: i-i don't want to eat anything, i am not hungry

Jungkook: i understand you're sad and worried about hobi so we are but you need to eat something Hyung, you're not well and you have to take medicine after having something.. so please eat ramen

Yoongi: how do you expect me to eat when our baby brother is missing, we don't even know if he's okay or not if he ate something or not... I don't want to eat anything Jungkook please

(Jungkook sighed as tears began to roll down his cheek, he was trying hard to be strong but he can't be strong anymore..he took a deep breath just then jin took the bowl from him and sat beside yoongi)

Jin: o-open your mouth (he spoke bringing the chopsticks in front of Yoongi's mouth who looked at him and shook his head)

Rm: yoongi hyung the guards are searching for him... We sent thousands of guards to find him... please eat something i am sure we will find him soon... please let's not lose hope hmm? Please eat something and then take your medicine you already skipped your medicine in the morning too

(Yoongi slowly looked towards Jungkook who had no emotions, he just glared at yoongi and sat on the couch wiping his tears away then Yoongi looked at jin who nodded his head with a forced smile on his lips)

Jin: we will...we will find him hmm? He will be alright, here eat something

(Even though yoongi didn't have an appetite he still took 3-4 bites just so he could take medicine.... The brothers looked at each other with no emotions...they were scared and worried about hobi)

Taehyung: h-hyung it's dark outside..i am getting scared, what if he got lost and forgot the way to home?

(Taehyung spoke his voice shaking in fear, fear of losing hobi, fear of losing their love, the one and only baby brother whom they love the most)

Jimin: i miss him (jimin cried hugging namjoon who patted his back to calm him down)

Jin: w..what should i do? I miss him too, I don't know where to find him..i am scared and worried just like you all

(Jungkook got up and spoke)

Jungkook: I am going to find him myself.. I don't know what the fuck are the guards doing... it's getting darker and darker and you know that hobi's scared of darkness... I am going to find him come if you want to

(He was about to keave but he halted on his way when Jin's phone started ringing...jin slowly took the phone and frowned when he found it was a call from an unknown number..he slowly picked up the call)

Jin: h..hello?

???: hey kim, how you doin?

Jin: s.. sorry who are you?

??: oh my god you forgot me already?

Jin: tell me who are you? I am not in the mood to joke around

???: woah woah woah calm down kim...well missing your little brother?

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