19. Fight..!!!

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Nayantara's pov

I sat down on the bed after a long day. Today morning we arrived in the Rajgarh after two days journey. I was busy the whole day learning how all the things run in the palace, as i was going to be the future queen, kakisa, i mean maasa suggested me to know how everything worked here. This way, if I desired to make any changes after becoming the queen, I would be better equipped to do so.

It was a hectic day, but after knowing about the palace and the people here i knew one thing was that all the people of Rajgarh were very kind, respectful and loyal towards their Kingdom. They all welcomed me with open hearts except few who didn't liked me and objected that i should not became the future queen as i was the daughter of the person who killed their king.

But i didn't mind them as i knew that people here thought that my father betrayed his own bestfriend and killed him. But some people still welcomed me thinking i was not the one at fault, but there were also people who didn't liked me and objected me on my face that why i should not became the queen. It hurted me when i saw hate in some people's eyes, i never thought that one day the people who loved me whenever i came to this kingdom with my father would hate me.

I even ingnored those persons who were saying that Anirudh should marry another princess and make her the queen and not me. But their words were still ringing in my head loudly.

I didn't saw Anirudh since the morning as he was also busy, there were so many works pending because of his absence from the last five days. But i missed him as from the last few days he was with me all the time although we didn't spend our time talking with each other but there were times when i would just stare at him and he would do his work and sometimes i cought him staring at me secretly, but today I didn't saw him for even once. I sighed.

A loud knock interrupted my chain of thoughts, i stood up immediately going towards the door expecting my dear husband to finally show me his face but i got disappointed when i saw an attendee with the dinner. She kept it on the table.

"Where is yuvraj? Did he ate his dinner?"

I asked her.

"Princess, yuvraj is in his study room since the afternoon and he didn't even ate his dinner."

She said, i nodded at her and she went away.

I sighed and took a shawl covering myself, exiting the chamber.

I stood outside the study room, taking a deep breath i knocked on it for the third time, still no response. At last i just opened the door going inside, i saw the large table with full of papers but there was no one on the chair. I frowned.

I went inside the small room located inside the study chamber, it was like a library with many book shelves and there were so many books but it were just the record books or some scrolls of Rajgarh. The Library room was on the other side of the palace. And there i saw Anirudh deep in thoughts standing in front of the almirah, their was something in his hand. His back was facing me, as i took steps towards him, i got a clear view of the thing he was holding it was the royal stamp.

The stamp had a really unique and royal design on it, it was rare, but not for me because my father also had a same type of royal stamp but with different design. The stamp was so precious to my father. He once told me that it was a rare stamp, and he and kakasa had specially asked a famous artist to made this kind of stamp for them.

Anirudh was still looking at the stamp with sad eyes, he was missing his father. With so much courage i touched his shoulder, his body immediately became tensed and he turned towards me. He looked at me then at the stamp before he kept it back in the almirah and closed it.

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