6. Nayantara's Decision.

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Nayantara's pov

I chose my last bangle and slid it onto my wrist. The morning light filled the room as the maids went about their tasks in my chamber. Kashmira was by my side, helping me to get ready.

Today was very important for me as i had to take the most important decision of my life.

It would change everything.

I felt a blend of nervousness and sadness within me. Despite always envisioning marrying Anirudh, the reality of marrying someone else while still loving him felt wrong. Nevertheless, it was a decision I had to make. 

I stood up to leave my chamber and began to walk. Kashmira accompanied me as we made our way through the corridors. Going down the corridors i asked a maid

"Do you know where is rajasa..?"

She slightly bowed towards me and answered

"He is in his study, princess."

I nodded at her and moved towards the study with Kashmira.

When we reached there i looked at Kashmira and nodded. I knocked on the door, my heart beat rising with each passing second. Bhaisa allowed me as i went inside.


Bhaisa said, while looking at me. He was sitting on his table going through some documents. I went towards him and stood few inches away from the table.

I took a deep breath and said

"Bhaisa i want to talk to you about something important."

"What is it..?"

He asked, gesturing me to sit on the chair. I took a seat and replied

" As a princess i have taken a decision."

"What decision..?" He asked frowning at me.

"I want you to send the marriage proposal to the king of Indraprastha...!"

I said, directly looking at him. I fisted my hands preventing myself to show my real emotions.

"What? Do you even know what you are saying?"

He said, looking angrily at me. I had already expected this reaction from him he would not take it easily.

"Yes bhaisa."

"King Shantanu of Indraprastha is already married and has a son.
do you still want to marry him."

He asked looking very angry.

"His wife is no more and i have no problem with his son."

"How can you say that Nayantara, i will never allow you to marry someone who is already married and has a son. And i know, you...love Anirudh."

He said, giving me a soft look at last.

"But Anirudh denied to marry me!!!....... If you will not allow me then also no one will marry me. Think about it bhaisa.... if i marry king Shantanu then all our problems can be solved no one will blame bapusa for my marriage."

I explained.

"You don't have to sacrifice your life Nayantara."

He said getting up and moving towards the window. I also got up walking in his direction. I held both of his hands and looked at him.

"But i want to do this. As a princess and a daughter i want to do something for my people and bapusa."

He looked at me for sometime.

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