9. Condition.

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Nayantara's pov

I ran down the long corridor which led to the main meeting hall. When i got to know that my bhaisa had returned from Rajgarh after two days. I didn't wasted any time and started running to find my bhaisa.

The soldiers opened the doors for me as they saw me running towards the meeting hall. I walked past them quickly only to find my whole family present there.

Everyone was already there including my father. Bhaisa was sitting on a sofa drinking water. So i guessed he just came and i was not late.

I went towards my chhoti bhabhi sa and stood beside her with a thumping heart. I didn't know but i was feeling nervous, a strange feeling was surrounding my heart from the past two days. It was like something was about to happen.

"What happened in Rajgarh..?"

My father asked my brother. They both were sitting in front of each other.

Everyone were staring at bhaisa with hope in their eyes.

Bhaisa looked towards my father and answered

"They have agreed to not rage a war against us, but....but they have a condition!"

Everyone sighed in relief hearing that they agreed but immediately got tensed hearing about the condition.

"What condition..?"

My father again asked, his eyes were hard like he knew it was a bad news.

My heart was beating so fast that i thought it would come out of my chest. A drop of sweat fell from my forhead because of the tension.

Bhaisa inhaled a deep breath before speaking

"They will not rage a war against us if we agree to marry Nayantara with Anirudh in just one week. And after marriage Nayantara will not have any relation with Somgarh or people of Somgarh including her family. She cannot even contact us through letter."

I stumbled hearing bhaisa. How could he put such a condition. The bad scenerios flashed in my mind that if i refused then what would happen to my family, my kingdom and my people. And if i agreed then i could never meet my family in the future. I would be all alone.

"What the hell?!..... How can that bastard put such a condition..!"

My younger brother yelled standing up from his place.

"Calm down prince Mridul.."

Maasa said to my brother.

"Maasa did you listen to bhaisa, that Anirudh..the Anirudh we know from childhood who broke all the relation with Somgarh, who broke my sister's heart, who decided to rage a war against us and now who want to marry Nayantara like she is some kind of a toy with whom he can play anytime!!!"

My brother yelled with rage evident in his eyes.

"We should think about this with a cold mind as it is not just about princess Nayantara but also about the people of Somgarh."

An official said who was sitting on a single sofa beside my brother.

"I will never agree with a marriage. I will not let anyone destroy my sister's life. If it means war than i will fight with him till my last breath!!"

My brother again yelled looking at the official with burning eyes.

The love and respect for my brother grew even more in my heart. That before anything else he thought about me and my life that he was even ready to sacrifice his own life for me. But i didn't wanted him to take any decision which could destroy everyone's life.

"But why would he want to marry Nayantara when he himself denied to marry Nayantara in the first place."

Maasa asked looking confused.

"We are also not sure that why he denied at the first place if he wanted to marry princess Nayantara. But i think he has some motive behind all this but now we don't have any time because he has given us a two days time to take decision."

The same official said.

I knew why he denied to marry me before because i didn't agreed to marry him and refused to left my family and kingdom for him and be selfish. But i should have known that he was stubborn and would do anything to make things work according to him.

Now i was in the situation where i had to agree and left my family and people for their well being, And his wish would be fulfilled.

My head started to hurt thinking about everything.

My big brother got up coming towards me with slow steps and stood in front of me.

"As i am not only the brother of Nayantara but also the king of Somgarh and it's my duty to look after everyone without being selfish. And this matter is about Nayantara's life, i want her to take decision because i cannot make decision about her life. So, it is upto her whatever she will decide i will support her and not question her. If she agrees to marry Anirudh then i would be happy as a king but i would be disappointed as a brother that she decided to left us all, and if she disagree then i would be ashamed that i cannot do anything for my kingdom but would be happy that my sister think about her and her life first."

He said looking at me with so much emotions.

Everyone were looking at me with different kind of emotions. As now everything depend on me. I was happy that my family didn't forced me about anything and gave me the right to take decision. I was happy that i chose my family when Anirudh asked me to marry him.

Now with my decision everything would be changed. I was feeling stressed thinking about my future. I didn't even knew that my family would be with me in the future or not.

If i agreed then i could never meet my family again. And if i disagree then also there were chances that i could lose anyone it could be my brothers, my father or anyone who could die in the war.

But if i agreed then i would be assured that my family, my people were safe even if it meant that i could never meet them again.

I had always imagined my future life with Anirudh. But now i could not even imagine my life with him, this was how much he had hurted me.

'love' it is a painful thing.

I looked towards everyone and inhaled a deep breath closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes looking determined and said

"Hum yeh shaadi krne ke liye taiyar hai."

{"I am ready to get married."}


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Word count:⁠-⁠) 1133

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~ sana xoxo

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