Start from the beginning

"That doesn't excite me." I answered in a heartbeat.

He passed me an unamused glance. "Well, learn to. I don't tolerate half-hearted players. You wanna have 'fun' go join the little kids playing in the slides by the kiddy pool. Go on, I dare you."

"Fine." I clicked to my heels, gaze steadied on the exit.

"Stevie Powell don't you dare." Garren hurried to hook me by the shoulder.

"Chill, I'm kidding." I giggled at his hasty contradiction.

His eyes narrowed but I could see the smile he was trying to hide. "Don't give me more work, I've already got Benny to babysit."

"Aye, aye captain." I nodded.

When I expected him to drop his hold, he pulled me closer. His breath brushing my ear as he whispered in it. "Here's an extra key to my room." I felt him slip the magnetic card in my pocket. "Number 315— don't tell Mr. Hertford I lent it to you. You can come over if your roommate gets... too much to handle."

"Only for that?" I blurted.

Garren looked a little surprised at my words, recessing to a soft smile. "No, not just that. You can come over if you feel lonely too, Stevie."

"I have a kiddy pool at my disposal. Why would I be lonely?"

Garren chuckled at my joke, lips forming to deliver a quip when his eyes caught something and his expression changed. I followed his gaze. Paving a path through the reception hall and kindling whispers from the groups was an ensemble of eleven dressed in black uniform.

It was enough to go on that they were fellow competitors but for some reason, they gave a different vibe from the rest. Maybe it was how they walked in a synchronised motion like soldiers, or maybe it was how their expressions held no hostility. Only indifference. That was until one of the girls' line of sight fell onto us.

Immediately, she broke apart from the formation. Their chaperone called out to her, something along the orders to retreat was what I guessed from my bleak knowledge of Mandarin. The girl raised a hand, silencing the chaperone and for a second, I tensed, thinking she was coming to me until Garren lightly moved me aside.

The girl's footfalls halted.

"Garren Adler." Her English was remarkably fluent. "Who in god's name let you back in here?"

"Good to see you too." Garren smiled.

They shared a laugh, an actual bright and warm laugh with their voices seeming to blend into a perfect movement with one another. The girl's silky, goddess-like hair swayed as she leaned to kiss Garren's cheek.

"This is such a relief," her fingers lingering on his chin before she leaned back, "We thought you might not be attending this year with that whole scandal on your wheely buddy Michael."

Garren scoffed. "Over that? Honestly, you should know better. We see to it to always carry on."

"You Brits and your pledges to powering through, even at the expense of disgrace— just incredible." She sneered.

"No bigger disgrace is there in letting one of you guys walk away with our medal." answered Garren.

The girl chuckled, eyes straying to me and I quickly ducked, cheeks reddening at being caught staring. Or so I thought. "You seem to have twice as less members than last time. What happened? Wasn't enough space on the plane for them and your ego?"

There was a sudden chuckle from Will leant by the side on his phone. He pretended to cough, keeping his eyes on the screen.

"No," Garren proceeded to reply. "We got rid of them and traded up for a player far more qualified. Surpassing all of them combined."

Adler | The Aces of St.Sinclair BOOK 1.Where stories live. Discover now