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A/N: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Taevia0 and also Jk_personal_toilet! Thank you for all your comments and votes!

I'd never broken my standard six o'clock curfew before and I wasn't going to start now. Even if some mysterious, powerful mastermind was calling me out.

I was the good kid in the family. Granted, I was the only kid as we didn't have an extended family.

So I went out on a limb with my good kid pass, claiming to uncle Louie I had a late extracurricular class. Always trustful of my words, he obliged and reminded me to bundle up. Even if summer was approaching, England's night air was an unpredictable force not to be reckoned with.

I wrapped up in my red duffel coat, concealing my neck in my old wool scarf and started out of the hotel by quarter past eight.

I'd never even heard of Fraiser Palace place before and for good reason too, it was a quaint district far out of town and would incline a long train ride. When I reached the train, I couldn't help but feel this gnawing suspicion eyes were on me. I discreetly scoured the area, nothing more than late office workers and drinkers made up the mass, but none appeared to pay me any mind.

I tried to shrug off the feeling as I boarded. The cars were mostly empty, just a few souls lingering. None of which were friends, family or held any sort of relation judging by the gaps in their spots despite the vacancy. People funnily enough feared strangers more than sitting in a high paced metal box slithering through tunnels made by another stranger. If one mere compartment was on the kinks, we'd be burrowing to our very painful deaths.

The nighttime made me pessimistic on occasions.

I was quite fond of the late hours, truthfully. It was like the usual surrounding became a different place, an interesting metamorphosis I could never explore as my parents would want me indoors since the neighbourhood was prone to dangers then.

Looking at this trip as an exploration helped calm my nerves if only slightly. Fraiser Palace place was an entire shopping centre, gym, spa and studio rolled into one vivacious skyscraper. Ironically so sight attracting despite the elusive individual lurking in its quarters.

I entered to the front, the door man passing me a snooty glance as I past by him. I received the same from the two security guards stood at posts. The middle aged employee behind the desk at least pushed on a smile for me as I approached.

"Hello, young lady. What can I do for you?"

"I'm here for Russell." I replied.

There was a shift in the man's gaze as his smile faltered and he looked me over carefully. A furrow in his brow and what seemed to be pity before leaning over the polished alabaster surface. "Enter the lift. Twelfth floor, first door on your right. Knock only twice."

I nodded, steering my course in track with the instructions. In the whole journey there, I was at the pique of my curiosity and anxiety on what I was walking into. It was a whole world of unknown and surprises, which was what I found thrilling at the same time.

When nearing the door, my ears pricked to the sound of instruments. Violin, piano and just about every other instrument belonging to an orchestra. I tapped my knuckles on the door twice. There was no answer.

Had I gotten the wrong room? It didn't feel that way though and there was definitely somebody behind the door. Heeding the receptionist's words to only knock twice, I made the decision to turn the knob.

It yielded, parting open to reveal the spacious studio before me. Straight ahead was a vast frameless glass view of the district with a figure having his back facing me, lounged on a chair. An arm draped out with fingers drumming to the melody booming out of the speakers.

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