Partying | A TWELVE

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Stepping into school past noon was generally an odd feeling. Purely just because it's out of the ordinary period I'm used to arriving. However, striding in with Ben parading the halls holding the trophy that signified our victory was something else.

After getting back school grounds, the others members had separated without my comprehension. Granted, it was hard to keep focus with people applauding all over and delivering commending pats on the back. Teachers didn't even bother shushing anyone being rowdy or blocking the pathway in their packs. The prominent group being from the football team when they appeared. They were one of the most popular clubs in the academy, not to mention two of the Aces were among their star players when they weren't putting their brains to use at Coeus.

"Garren my man, I see you brought home the win," began the football team's captain, Clyde Yates with arms crossed. He briefly examined the polished metal. "Not as big as the one we got for the match in Port though."

Garren rolled his eyes. "Don't forget who scored the tie breaking goal in that game."

"Assisted." smirked Clyde. "Anyways, you planning to celebrate?"

I had a feeling that was his motive from the start as the football team were known for the party scene.

"For a win this easy? Would be a waste." I saw Clyde along with a few of his teammates slump their shoulders. Then without warning, an arm coiled around my shoulder and I was reeled to Garren's chest. Furthermore, to the centre of everyone's focus.

"But," Garren added. "On the case of the new addition to the Aces here, that would be something worth celebrating."

I could only blink.

Looks of surprise and astonishment met my gaze along with coherent murmurs. Clyde had on a particular expectant countenance. His eyes gleaming. "So, party?"

Garren responded with a simple nod and the boys lit up instantly, fists clenched in the air. In the midst of that, something hooked the corner of my eye and I turned my gaze to see in the crowd Liam and Ashton.


"New addition?!" exclaimed Ashton.

That had definitely not gone unheard unfortunately and I was forced to have the conversation much too early. I wanted to at least collect my textbooks for class, which I'd be undoubtedly late for now.

"I thought you said you were just getting along with them," Ashton spat my own words back at me. "That's what you said, wasn't it? Liam isn't that what she said?"

Liam nodded.

"I know that's what I said but-"

"Did Garren threaten you?"

"What? No."

"Then what, blackmail?" Liam pressed.

"It isn't what you're thinking. Look, a lot went on at the set and—"

"What could have possibly happened to have you agree to selling yourself to that incarnate of Satan himself and his cohorts?" Ashton snapped, eyebrow cocked. "Were you drugged
Armageddon? Did Chris Hemsworth call you saying his mother was kidnapped and the only one who could save her was you by joining the Aces? Because those are the only reasons I'm willing to accept. Go on, let's hear it."

With how deadly serious the pair looked, finally letting me speak, I didn't doubt they were truly expecting me to feed them excuses so ludicrous. Not that I blamed them. No explanation in the world would justifying what I'd done. Why I done it was still something I couldn't quite grasp, so I went with what I had mentally scripted on the bus ride. "Garren actually came to meet me when I visited me at my parents' place last week."

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