Odds | A TEN

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Preparations for the game show were in full swing. The regulations set by Comic Relief informed that only nine students would be representing each school and it required pupils ranging from at least twelve to eighteen years old. Thus, two lucky first years were picked and out of Coeus, The Aces, Amina and me because Michael said it would be good practice for critical competitions in future. Then Michael volunteered to stay behind so his condition wouldn't be an inconvenience and delegated captaincy to Ewen.

Garren was particularly peeved by that and gave Ewen a menacing glare to which the quiet boy of course responded to with a blank stare, followed by a blink.

What went through that boy's head was more of an enigma than life.

Ben was in high spirits about the event as he'd heard a rumour that the host for the show would be Lee Nelson. Whoever that was, anyways.

Amina acted like the incident at the lunch hall had never happened, being as chummy towards me as always. Somehow, it didn't bring that same height of elation in me. There was a shift somewhere.

I couldn't put my finger on what it was at first, then as I boarded the coach that would transport us to the studio, Amina flagged me down to occupy the seat beside her.

I won't deny that I glimpsed at where The Aces were situated by the back, simultaneously on their phones before taking Amina up on her offer.

Although it was the typical scenario I'd envied my schoolmates in primary doing with their friends, the feeling fell stale.

Then of course, there was the usual conversation session that commenced like during all class trips. Ewen being an exception since he just kept to himself reading a Spiderman comic book- did not peg him for a superhero guy but hey, not judging.

He looked a lot more engrossed than I was in Amina telling me about a humorous mishap that happened when she joined her aunt to play 'common people' bingo last week. Right in the middle of it, I blurted out the unimaginable. "Do you like Garren?"

Amina fell into a pause frame. Lips contorted to a thin line and perfect brows hiked. Gradually, she came into play. "Where'd you hear that from?" Her tone interrogative.

"Um, well-"

"Y'know what? Nevermind." She let out a sigh, eyes gazing on her lap briefly before switching back to me. "I'll answer that if you tell me honestly, if you and Garren have something going on."

"What? No." I shook my head.

She studied me intently. "But you do like him though, right?"

I grimaced. "Like is a strong word. I would say I see his value as a club associate and I'm pretty sure it's the same for him too."

"Then what happened at the lunch hall before...?"

"Friendly invite. That's all," I assured her.

Amina slowly nodded her head, brushing a strand of her luscious black hair behind her ear. "Okay then yes, it's true. I like Garren."

I could only blink in reply.

"I know that's a crazy thing to feel for someone so twisted like him but I can't help it, y'know? He's got like, the full package and the Adlers are practically untouchable to any other dynasty, never losing its credibility throughout its generations."

Amina's eyes shone with this morbid awe I'd never seen before. It wasn't like a girl expressing an admiration of a crush but more along the lines of a disciple worshipping a god. "There used to be rumours that they originally committed a lot of inbreeding because of just how identical the descendants were and any personal affairs like weddings, burials and pregnancies are still kept strictly confidential to even their closest business associates. It's all bollocks, obviously from spiteful rivals but honestly, with genes that good— I wouldn't blame them for wanting to keep it to themselves."

Adler | The Aces of St.Sinclair BOOK 1.Where stories live. Discover now