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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to ChumChum2000 and CathieeBee. I'm grateful for all your votes and hope you continue to enjoy the story

Just when I'd thought Shaun's eyes were pretty, I was met with the most beautiful azure eyes from the baby boy strapped in the stroller. His mother chatting with a peer wearing enviable leather boots by the further benches in the quiet park.

The infant caught my gaze and his big, pudgy cheeks formed a smile which was insanely adorable even with the thread of drool. I couldn't resist smiling back. After the second ring, I answered the phone.

"You didn't patch things up with Garren, did you?"

My eyes stayed trained on the cuddlesome infant. "Um, no. Not really."

"And you didn't show up for the meeting, which Garren wasn't very happy about by the way."

"Can't see why. I told him in advance, didn't I?"

I heard Will sigh, tiredness evident. "Stevie, I thought we agreed you were gonna let this go and give Garren a break. Y'know, since he's under a lot of pressure. Do you remember that conversation we had?"

"I know, that's why I'm staying out of the way to reduce that." I peered at the time on the analogue clock situated a few metres from the bike shelter. It was already a quarter past— they were late.

"You mean you're avoiding him. And me."

"No I'm not."

"Then why didn't I see you at chemistry today?"

"... Because I'm home, sick." Not one of my best lies.

"Right." The sarcasm in his tone rolled off, almost flattening the distinct ring of hurt. I was glad it wasn't face to face otherwise I would've probably leaked the whole plan from the guilt. "Do you seriously think I'm just calling for Garren? I love the prick but he's still a pain in the ass to be around the rest of the time and Ben can do my head in too. That's why I was glad to have someone who knows how to act human around. You're that anchor to me and I thought it was the same for you but I guess not."


"Y'know what? Just forget it. Whatever, go ahead and keep avoiding us. I'll stop bothering you since you clearly would rather be on your own."

The line went dead. I gave thought to protest but what more could I say in the situation to let him know his company meant a lot to me without putting everything at risk? I sighed, hopefully praying I hadn't disappointed him too much.

In the next three seconds, my ringtone blared out again. "Hello—?"

"Stevie please don't keep avoiding me." cried Will. "I'm literally going to go insane if I'm stuck with those two. I don't even how I've lasted this long on my own. I don't care if you don't talk to Garren. Just at least come to class. I'm begging you. Please, please please."

"Will, calm down." I cooed when hearing the distress in his voice. "I'll come to class and I will sort things out with Garren too."

There was a pause on the other end, worrying me until I caught his breathing. "Really? You'll talk to him? You swear?"

"Yes..." I straightened when an approaching figure appeared to be coming my way, eyes fixed ahead. Only to switch them at the last few steps to cross over to enter the cabby by the road. "But I'll do it as soon as I'm done so just wait."

"Done? Done with what?"

"There's this thing I need to do first— family stuff and then some homework which might take all my time on the weekend to wrap up so, yeah. When I'm done with that, I'll talk to Garren."

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