Chapter 19

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Aria, six months pregnant and with only two months left until her due date

Awakens to find Mac lying next to her. She rises from the bed and heads to the bathroom, knowing that they have a busy day ahead of them before their little one arrives. As she touches her belly, she notices that the baby is not stirring, most likely fast asleep.

After using the bathroom, Aria steps out and returns to the bedroom, where Mac is now awake. "Good morning," she greets him. Mac, with a joyful smile, responds, "Hey beautiful." Aria reminds him they have tasks to accomplish before the baby's arrival in two months. "First things first, let's have breakfast," she suggests. Mac happily gets out of bed and disappears into the closet to get dressed, while Aria leaves the bedroom and enters the baby's room.

Aria gazes around the room, realizing that their little one will be joining them in just two months. The thought fills her with disbelief and excitement. She recalls the day she discovered that Mac would become a father, and her happiness was as bright as fireworks on the Fourth of July. Aria knows that Mac will be an incredible dad, and she is determined to be an amazing mom. Together, they will be extraordinary parents.

Just then, Mac emerges from the bedroom and finds Aria in the baby's room. Aria turns to face him, feeling caught off guard. She playfully facepalms, and Mac teasingly asks if he surprised her. "You definitely did," Aria admits, smiling at her husband. Mac inquires about their breakfast plans, and Aria confesses that she is unsure. They both leave the baby's room, with Mac leading the way to the kitchen.

ready to embark on the culinary journey of breakfast. Meanwhile, Aria gracefully exits the baby's room, her mind buzzing with tasks to be accomplished. She retreats to the bedroom, where she begins to prepare for the imminent arrival of their little bundle of joy.

With purposeful movements, Aria reaches for a bag, her fingers delicately arranging the essentials for their hasty departure to the hospital. As she concentrates on her task, the sound of footsteps interrupts her thoughts. It is Mac, her beloved husband, approaching her from behind. "What's up, babe?" Aria inquires, her voice filled with curiosity. Mac, his eyes twinkling with affection, responds, "Breakfast is ready, babe."

Intrigued, Aria leaves the confines of the bedroom and enters the kitchen, where Mac awaits her. "Let's eat," he declares, his voice brimming with anticipation. They indulge in a nourishing meal, savoring each bite as they discuss the next steps in their journey towards parenthood. Aria, her heart filled with determination, takes a moment to schedule a prenatal visit, ensuring that all necessary arrangements are made.

Now, all that remains is the wait. Two months stand between them and the arrival of their precious baby, and the excitement within Aria and Mac is palpable. "Are you ready, Aria?" Mac lovingly asks, his eyes searching for reassurance. Aria, her voice filled with conviction, responds, "Yeah, I'm ready." With those words, they embark on their journey, leaving their home behind as they head towards the ultrasound appointment that awaits them.

As they arrive at the appointment, the air is thick with anticipation. Aria and Mac, their hearts beating in unison, rise from their seats and follow Sarah, their trusted guide, to the designated room. Sarah, with a warm smile, greets them, her voice filled with genuine care. "Hello, guys. How are we doing this evening?" she asks, her eyes filled with compassion. Aria, her nerves getting the best of her, admits, "Anxious." Sarah, her voice soothing, reassures them, "Don't worry. We'll check to make sure your baby is fine."

Aria, her body now perched on the examination table, feels a surge of emotions coursing through her. Sarah, with gentle hands, prepares the doppler, its cool gel gliding smoothly onto Aria's belly. As Sarah moves the doppler, searching for the sound of their baby's heartbeat, Aria holds her breath. Finally, a sweet melody fills the room, echoing the presence of their little one. "Found it," Sarah exclaims, her voice filled with delight. "The little stinker was hiding from me."

And in that moment, as the sound of their baby's heartbeat reverberates in the room, Aria and Mac's hearts swell with love and anticipation. The journey towards parenthood continues, each step bringing them closer to the day when their arms will be filled with the greatest gift of all.

Aria and Mac exchange smirks as they endure the pounding of their grudge. Sarah, sensing their tension, inquires if they can feel the baby's kick. Aria affirms with a nod, and Mac does the same. "It's 136," Sarah announces, removing the doppler from Aria's belly, "a healthy heartbeat."

Sarah proceeds to place the ultrasound monitor on Aria's belly, revealing the precious sight of their baby. "There's your little one," Sarah joyfully declares to Mac and Aria. "We'll see you again in two months," Aria responds, brimming with anticipation. Sarah then offers, "Would you like a photo to cherish this moment?" Aria eagerly accepts, saying, "Yes, please."

"Alright, I'll have that printed for you," Sarah assures them before carefully removing the gel from Aria's belly. She walks away to fulfill her promise, returning with the printed photo in hand. "Here you go," Sarah says, extending the picture to the couple.

"Thank you," Mac expresses his gratitude, to which Sarah kindly replies, "You're welcome. Have a wonderful evening, y'all." Aria and Mac bid farewell to Sarah and make their way home, their hearts filled with excitement and love for their growing family.

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