Chapter 10

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Aria, only two weeks into her pregnancy, was peacefully sleeping like a cherubic angel as Mac woke up the following morning. With both of them packed and ready to go, Mac couldn't help but smile, reassured that Aria and their unborn baby were doing well. Now, all that remained was to wake Aria from her slumber.

"Hey, Ari. Wake up," Mac gently called out. Aria stirred, feeling cramps, aching in her back, and an overwhelming sense of fatigue. She dressed in the outfit Mac had chosen for her, and Mac assured her, "I promise you can sleep on the plane."

"Okay," Ari replied, and they both got themselves checked out before heading to the airport. As they settled into their seats, Ari sat on Mac's lap, and Aria found solace, drifting off to sleep on Mac's shoulder. However, Mac noticed Ari's restless tossing and turning, and he tenderly rubbed her arm, hoping she would find peace in slumber soon.

Finally, Ari succumbed to sleep, and Mac couldn't help but feel a surge of joy. As Ari dreamt, she envisioned a blissful scene of herself, Mac, and their baby playing together, the baby's laughter echoing in her mind. Mac gazed out the window, eagerly anticipating their return home.

Jack, observing Mac's contentment, approached him and asked, "Hey, Mac, is she alright?" Mac turned to Jack, meeting his gaze. "Yeah, she's just tired and having trouble falling asleep, but she's okay," Mac assured him. Jack nodded in understanding, and Mac gently stroked Aria's hair, their journey home continuing with a sense of tranquility.

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