Chapter 9

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Mac's perspective:
After hours of searching, we finally uncovered the location of the bomb. Aria and Jack led the way, ensuring that the path ahead was clear. "Let's move," Jack declared confidently. Meanwhile, Thornton was on the lookout for Chief Chanko.

Aria stationed herself near the stairs, keeping a vigilant watch. Riley attempted to hack into the bomb using her computer, but unfortunately, her efforts were in vain. Suddenly, we were ambushed by enemies. Without hesitation, Ari swiftly kicked them down the stairs, bidding them farewell with a sly remark. "See ya," she smirked. Aria returned to her post on the stairs, while I continued to work on disabling the bomb.

Aria's presence near the stairs was not solely for security reasons. She had her hand protectively resting on her belly, a reminder of the precious life growing within her. A sudden pain shot through her abdomen, causing her to wince. Confusion and concern filled her mind until, to her astonishment, she felt a gentle flutter. It was the baby, making its presence known. Ari couldn't believe the overwhelming joy that washed over her.

As I focused on the task of disabling the bomb, Ari kept a watchful eye on me. She stood near the stairs, her heart filled with a mixture of fear and hope. The tension in the air was palpable, but we remained determined to prevent any harm from befalling us.

Finally, the bomb was successfully disabled. The relief that washed over us was immense, and it seemed as if the entire room erupted in celebration. Ari's tear-streaked face mirrored the emotions that coursed through all of us. I couldn't help but smile as she rushed towards me, seeking solace in my embrace.

Amidst the chaos, Orlaf's partner tragically lost their life. The arrival of the ambulance and police served as a grim reminder of the dangers we faced. As the lifeless body was removed from the warehouse, I scanned the room, searching for Ari. "Hey Jack, where's Aria?" I inquired anxiously. Jack shook his head, unsure of her whereabouts. Deep down, I knew she was still inside the warehouse.

Without hesitation, I ventured back into the warehouse, determined to find Ari. My heart raced as I called out her name. And there she was, standing amidst the aftermath, her eyes filled with relief and happiness. "Ari, are you okay?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. Overwhelmed with emotion, she replied, "Oh Mac, God, I'm so happy you're okay and unharmed." Aria's hands found their way around me, and I couldn't help but smile.

Placing a hand on her belly, I felt a surge of love and protectiveness. In that moment, I knew that we had not only triumphed over the threat of the bomb; but also solidified our bond as a family.

Ari gently places her delicate hand atop Mac's, causing a flicker of excitement to dance within him. A radiant smile graces Ari's lips, mirroring Mac's own joy, and they share a blissful kiss. As the team hailed a cab to return to their hotel, Ari's exhaustion overwhelmed her, and she succumbed to slumber during the ride. Upon arriving at their destination, Mac tenderly roused Ari from her slumber, only to be met with a groan of discontent.

Ari despised being awakened, but Mac assured her that she could return to her peaceful slumber once she was ready for bed. With a nod of understanding, Ari began preparing for her much-needed rest. Curious about Mac's whereabouts, she inquired, to which he replied that he was accompanying Jack to a funeral, departing early the next morning. "Okay, love you, Mac," Ari expressed her affection before they parted ways.

Mac fulfilled his duty at the funeral and then made his way back home to prepare for bed, eventually drifting off into slumber. Meanwhile, Jack and Thornton embarked on a journey to Banister's house, and afterwards, they reunited at the hotel to ready themselves for the upcoming morning's flight.

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