Chapter 8

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Mac's perspective:

As our plane touched down, I gently roused Aria from her slumber. "Hey, we've landed," I whispered to her. Aria groggily got up, and I offered her a helping hand. Handing her bag to her, she expressed her gratitude with a simple "Thank you." I replied with a warm "You're welcome." Stepping off the plane, we descended the stairs and hopped into a waiting car, heading towards the hotel where Olaf awaited.

I hoped Olaf would be a pleasant person, as I despised encountering mean individuals. As we entered the hotel, there he was, catching sight of us and immediately bolting away. "He's running!" I exclaimed, urging Aria to follow. In a strange way, Olaf reminded me of myself, struggling to navigate through the door. I swiftly opened it, revealing him attempting to steal a car. "How foolish is this guy?" Aria questioned. Determined, I approached Olaf, and Jack noticed my approach. "Finally," Ari remarked. We also managed to apprehend Olaf's right-hand man during a quick pit stop before returning to the plane with the boys.

Shifting away from my perspective, Jack sat beside one of the boys, engaging in conversation, while Aria excused herself to the bathroom. Placing her hand on her stomach, Aria's thoughts revolved around me and the impending arrival of our child. Panic attacks were something Aria struggled with, and her trembling revealed her fear of any harm befalling me or our baby. Overwhelmed, she rested her hand on her stomach and wept, consumed by terror. Meanwhile, I scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of Aria. "Hey, where's Ari?" Jack inquired, just as the sound of crying reached their ears. I knew instantly that it was Aria. Hastily, I made my way towards the bathroom door.

"Ari, are you okay in there?" I called out, concern lacing my voice. Aria remained silent, prompting me to cautiously open the door. Stepping inside, I softly uttered, "Hey, it's me, Mac," before shutting the door behind me. Aria, overwhelmed and at a loss for words, found solace in her fear. "Hey, I understand what you're going through," I reassured her, offering my support.

Aria envelops Mac in a warm embrace, seeking solace in his presence. Mac tenderly rubs her back, assuring her that everything will be alright. With unwavering determination, he promises to protect both her and their unborn child from any harm that may come their way. As Ari's tears continue to flow, Mac instinctively reaches for his phone, connecting her earbuds and playing their cherished wedding song.

Leaning down, he places a gentle kiss on Aria's growing belly, his love and concern evident in his actions. Mac notices Aria trembling uncontrollably, prompting him to swiftly remove his jacket and drape it over her trembling form. Scooping her up in his arms, he carries her out of the bathroom, closing the door behind them, and returns to his seat.

Jack's gaze falls upon Mac and Aria, sensing something amiss. Concern etched on his face, he inquires about Aria's well-being. Mac assures Jack that she is alright, his voice filled with reassurance. Taking his place once again, Mac settles into his seat as the plane begins its descent. The team gathers to rendezvous with Thornton, their next destination awaiting them.

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