Chapter 14

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In the wee hours of the morning, when the world was still cloaked in darkness, Ari found herself wide awake. Fatigue weighed heavily upon her, but the cries of her precious little one had roused her from slumber. Gently, she caressed her swollen belly, feeling the tiny life within stir and dance. Beside her, Mac lay sound asleep, oblivious to the nocturnal symphony unfolding beside him.

As Ari basked in the sensation of those delicate kicks, a radiant smile illuminated her face. Never before had she experienced such a flurry of movement from her unborn child. It was a marvel, a miracle that left her breathless with awe. Some of the kicks carried a hint of discomfort, a reminder of the sacrifices that come with motherhood, but they were bearable, a testament to the strength within her.

With a heart overflowing with joy, Ari knew exactly what to do next. She nestled herself back into the embrace of her cozy bed, cradling her precious bump, and allowed the lullaby of her baby's movements to soothe her weary soul.

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