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The door bell rings in V's ear, and now he comes to reality. 'What he was doing and how? and why? Like what the hell?.......' V said to himself and looked at the male in front of him still eyes closed '......but it's felt GooD' a voice said from inside his body..Again doorbell rings and broke his deep slumber. He got up and made his way toward the gate and saw the doctor standing in front of him.

"V you brat why do you call me at midnight I was busy. And also no greeting, huh..." Doctor said, or you can say complain about the hosts behavior V just sigh. Doctor sees reaction of V. " What Are you fine, V. What happened? Are you injured or something? " Doctor demoner change from scolding to caring in seconds."No, Jin hyung, come in and see by yourself."

Jin comes inside, and his eyes fall on a lying figer.

"Tae who he is? And what happened to him? What did you do to him? Tell me, tae, he is looking like an innocent kid. My god, he is also looking pale too..oh my what happened to the cute baby. V did you do something to him if you did tell me. I am not gonna forgive you thi--" jin complains and questions cut of by V.

"Hyung, first check him, then I will tell everything." Jin nodded and started his check-up on jimin.

A few min later, Jin called V, who was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. Anyone could be confused that he is sleeping.

"What happens to him, hyung?" V asked.

"He got panic attacks. His hands are buried. Tae tell me who he is and what these buries are about. And why did he panicked." Jin asked V seriously.

V huffed. " it's nothing of your concern, hyung. I don't wanna sound rude." Jin observed V behavior, and he just let the conversation go. He knows how v is. " This is medicine. Make him take all of these at the correct time, okay?" Jin said, and V didn't reply anything.
"Okay, then I am off now,"jin said
"Okay bye hyung," V waved

A few minutes later, V came back and stairs jimin, who is still in deep slumber. V face doesn't show any reaction. V just fixed his eyes on smaller, like trying to find something that he hasn't discovered yet.

He noticed that smaller is uncomfortable on the sofa. He didn't know what he should do?
Should he ignore him? Or help him ......? Why should he help him......carry him to the room? But he is this state because of him? But he deserves it ... Really, he deserved it?  Yes.....Maybe no. No. He absolutely deserved it?

These questions revolve around his mind, but he can't get a perfect answer.

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