"My child, your feelings are valid. It's not uncommon for you to experience such intrusive thoughts after witnessing such a disturbing sight. Let's take some deep breaths together now, okay? In and out, in and out, in and out..."

I wasn't sure where he was going with this but I followed along.

"I know how you feel... witnessing such brutality is something that no one should ever have to see..."

He paused before adding more, his eyes still fixed on the ground

"...but if there is any comfort to be found, it is this: those who do evil will be punished for their actions. Negan will face his comeuppance..."

The thought of Negan being punished by god made me shift in my seat. I didn't know what I believed in but the thought of the afterlife scared me.

"What should I do?"

"That is a tough question... but I have a suggestion.. if this violence continues to trouble you, then try to look at it from a different perspective. Yes, it is an awful thing to see... but it is also the result of what happens when people refuse to follow God's will... Maybe try and find some solace in that..."

Tears welled in my eyes. "but father, what if Negan wasn't acting out of evilness?"

"Sometimes, even when people aren't acting with malice, they can still have evil in their hearts..."

He paused.

"Do you truly believe that Negan is so lost that he doesn't know right from wrong?.... Or do you think he just didn't care?"

"Maybe he doesn't care.." I replied.

The Priest remained silent for a moment, deep in thought

"Maybe he doesn't... But even if that's the case, that doesn't change the fact that he is sinning... In fact, it may be even worse if he knows what he is doing is wrong, but continues to do it anyway... But, no matter what his intentions are, sin is still sin, and he must face justice..."

"Is there hope?"

"There's always hope... But it depends on whether or not Negan is willing to take it.. I know that you care for him... and that's okay... But you must remember that he has done terrible things... and terrible things must be punished..."

Shock crossed my face at his words. "How did you know?" I whispered.

Father Gabriel gave a small chuckle.

"It's not hard to read you... you care about him... maybe even too much... but that's okay... It just means you have a big heart... But you must remember that not everyone deserves to have such love in their lives... because some people take more than they give... Negan is one such person..."

"Before today, do you think he had changed at all?"

He was silent, taking in my question.

"I believe that there was always a glimmer of hope... and a part of him that could be redeemed... What happened today might have shattered that hope... but I will not give up on him until I know for certain that he is too far gone... What do you think?"

"I think that despite the armor he puts up, there's good in him."

"Then I think there's hope for him... but do you also think he deserves another chance?"

"Doesn't everyone? I mean from what I've heard he's  been well behaved this whole time, why should this set him back to the beginning?"

He relied in a gentle tone. "The thing is... even though Negan has been behaving well lately... that does not change the fact that he has commited some terrible acts in the past...and actions have consequences..."

You're no good for me - Negan x Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang