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One month later

Despite the passing of time, the memory of my encounter with Negan lingered in the recesses of my mind, refusing to fade away. Each day seemed to blur together. His absence was everywhere I looked.

As the days turned into weeks, a sense of restlessness gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, a longing for something, or perhaps someone to break the monotony of my existence. But Negan remained confined to his cell, a prisoner of his own making.

Despite my efforts to bury my thoughts of Negan beneath the weight of my daily responsibilities, his presence lingered like a shadow in the corners of my mind. Each passing day felt heavier than the last, weighed down by the burden of unresolved emotions and unanswered questions.

I found myself wandering aimlessly through the streets of Alexandria, seeking solace in the familiar sights and sounds of the community I called home. But no matter how hard I tried to distract myself, his face haunted me, his words echoing in the spaces of my thoughts.

But amidst the uncertainty and fear, one thing remained constant, the memory of Negan etched into the fabric of my being.

That night, I stepped into the cool night air feeling empty. I don't remember making it home, all I remembered was the aching in my chest as I sobbed into my pillow. The next day I had to return to work as if nothing had happened. I kept to myself, eating alone, doing everything alone.

I was so ashamed, I couldn't face my friends, they would know that something was wrong. I couldn't bear to admit the truth. Jasmine noticed how distant I was being, she begged me to let her in. I think deep down she knew what it was.

Work. Eat. Sleep.

That was all my life had been lately.

I never realized the effect he had over me. I knew that this wasn't normal. Clearly I felt something for him after all.

More than anything, I was humiliated. I don't know how I believed he could truly care for me. I was there to help him pass the time, nothing more.

Negan's POV

There was nothing to do in my cell but think, think about Y/N. The look on her face when I told her I didn't care, It never escaped my brain.

Guilt plagued me. I regretted every word that had come out of my mouth. She had come to see me, she was inches away, and now she was gone.

I was all alone.

I loathed myself knowing that it never had to be this way.

I stared out of the window of my cell. Observing the world I was locked away from.

"What are you doing?" A small voice called out.

My eyes turned towards the voice, it was Judith. She looked the same as usual, blue jeans, flannel, cowboy boots, topped with a sheriffs hat and Rick's revolver strapped to her side. Judith's presence always made me genuinely smile.

"Absolutely nothing." I dragged out slowly.

She sat down on the steps outside my cell. "My mom won't tell me what happened."

I stayed silent, hoping she would let it go.

"So? What did you do?" she asked.

I let out a sigh, rubbing my hand over my face. "I hurt somebody."

"Why?" She wasted no time.

"He did something bad." I told her.

"But you did something bad too."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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