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I woke early that morning. I sat up and tried to rub the grogginess out of my eyes. After showering and getting ready for the day, I still had some time to kill. I sat at my desk and opened the book where I left off last night. I could only read a couple pages before my mind drifted. I could only think of the man in my dream last night. It was so strange.. I only saw him once and now he was visiting my dreams? I tried to swipe the thoughts away but failed. I put the book down and made my way out the door.

I made my way to the stables and began working, shoveling out each horses stable and giving them fresh water and food. After about an hour, I heard a familiar voice. "Working hard are we?" It was Jasmine. "Oh hey, what's up?" "Wanna take a break and walk with me?" I looked around to see if I had gotten enough done to walk away for a bit. "Sure." I said with a big smile, happy that someone wanted to hang out with me.

We walked around the neighborhood discussing our interests. "So what did you do before all this?" She turned and looked at me. "I was a teenager when it started, I had a part time job at a diner as a waitress. Plus high school to worry about." She chuckled "funny isn't it? The things that seemed so important to us then. I just got accepted into college, it felt like my whole life was about to start." I was glad to be connecting with her, but this conversation was making me sad. I'm sure she noticed as I stared at the ground. "Come on to my house, let's get something to eat." She grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

She sat down at the table with two sandwiches and gave me one. We began eating and I looked over, out the window. Her kitchen had a perfect view, right out to the garden. There he was, the prisoner. Still being guarded by some man with a long spear, watching him dig a hole. "Hello?" I turned realizing I had completely tuned Jasmine out. "Sorry about that." I stammered. "What are you looking at?" Her head turned to the window with a confused look on her face. "Who is that?" Curiosity came over me. "Him? The one digging?" I nodded. "That's Negan, he's the only prisoner in Alexandria." "What did he do?" I waited intently for her response. "I don't know much about him except that he was a leader of a large group years ago, he was an enemy of Alexandria. I know that he did bad things and people hate him." My curiosity only peaked then, I had to find out more. "Interesting.." I finally spoke. She gave me a puzzled look. "Don't worry about him he doesn't do anything to anyone."

I returned to work and continued my care for the horses, then moving on to another barn full of animals. Lost in my work, hours passed and it finally came to an end. I stretched my sore back and yawned. I finished everything I needed to do but it wasn't quite time yet for dinner. My thoughts returned to the prisoner, the mysterious man named Negan. Maybe I would get another peek, get even closer than the night before. With my mind set, I was off. I made my way through the barn and marched back towards the gardens.

As I got closer the the garden, I slowed down. Nerves were building in me, I thought of my dream from last night. I could see his smile in my head and my heart beat faster. I tried to shake the nerves and kept going, my curiosity was stronger than my anxiety. Negan came into view but he didn't see me, neither did the guard. I crept closer, inches at a time, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I must've stepped on something and made noise because suddenly he looked over at me. I froze as his attention turned to me and away from the vegetables. Finally I got a clear view of his face, he looked better than he did in my dream. Dark hazel eyes, salt and pepper stubble and a chiseled jaw. He was devilishly handsome. He smirked at me "you like what you see, sweetheart?" My eyes dropped to the ground and I felt my ears get hot as I realized how hard I was staring. He chuckled slightly "Aw don't be shy now." The man with the spear stepped forward with authority "keep it moving ma'am." And the he turned to Negan "keep to yourself, no one wants to talk to you." I looked back into Negan's eyes and he smiled wider, reminding me of my dream. I quickly turned around and walked away, I saw Rosita a couple yards away staring at me with a serious look on her face.

"What were you doing Y/N?" She asked me as we walked to dinner. "I-I don't know.. I was just curious." "He's dangerous. I was a first hand witness to the the fucked up things he did." Her face was cold and serious. We entered the dining hall, got our food and sat down. Today It was just the two of us. "Can I ask what happened?" She sighed and started from the beginning. I listened with full attention as she told me the story. "Wow.. that's a lot." I was a bit taken aback. "Yeah." "And that was 8 years ago? Has he shown improvement?" Her voice lowered and she leaned closer to me. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. He will always be a monster." And with that I kept my mouth shut.

Back in my room, I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My head was full of so many thoughts, I wanted them desperately to shut up so I could rest. The things Rosita told me were honestly crazy. I think of his smile again, was he really capable of all that? The things that happened were almost a decade ago, what was he like now? How did he earn privileges? Why do I care so much? Why is my brain being dominated by someone I don't even know? I turned and buried my face into my pillow, groaning with frustration. I thought of when he spoke to me earlier, what did he think of me? I wish I said something back. What's wrong with me? He's a killer. I have to stay away.

You're no good for me - Negan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now