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      Just a month ago I was welcomed into Alexandria, a place I now call home. It's been lonely trying to get to know my neighbors, but not nearly as lonely as my life on the road. I've made a few friends, but I've spent most of my attention on working. I'm so grateful to be apart of such a safe community, I need to do my part. I've been assigned to take care of the horses and other livestock, which I have no problem with since I'm naturally an animal lover. I'm no stranger to hard work, my only wish is that there were more people working the same area as me. I haven't been apart of a group in years, let alone talk to anybody. Deep down I yearned for any kind of emotional connection.

    After a long day of work, I walk to the dining hall to eat dinner. On my way there I see Rosita, I've only spoken to her a few times before but she had been really friendly and welcoming to me, so I decide to approach her. "Hi Rosita, are you heading to dinner?" I spoke somewhat shyly. "Oh hey there Y/N how are you doing? And yeah do you want to walk together?" She gave me a kind smile. Deep down I wondered if she really wanted to be my friend or if she pitied me. "Yeah that would be great! And I'm doing fine, how about you?" I tried not to come off too desperate. "I'm not gonna lie Coco has been wearing me out, motherhood is not for the faint of heart." She let out a faint laughter.

     We arrive at the dining hall and enter quietly. The sight of all the food still amazes me, the abundance is just baffling when you've been squeezing by for so long, practically starving most days. We walk over and make ourselves a plate. I always try not to take too much, barely filling my plate halfway with the food. Rosita turns and looks in to my eyes seriously "Its okay to take more, you've earned it. And you need to feed your body properly, we have plenty for everybody here." I knew she was truly being kind and meant what she said, but my cheeks turned red at her notice. I didn't know what to say to her, so I grabbed a little more food and smiled. Most days I eat alone, but Rosita lead me to a table with a few people.

   "H-hi.. my name is Y/N" I stammered nervously when we approached. The three sitting there looked at me with a surprised look. "This is my friend, she hasn't been here long but I know we'll all get along great." Rosita swooped in to save the awkwardness. "Hey, I'm Jasmine." A girl with a pretty smile reached her hand out to greet me. "Magna." Another stunning girl but this time with no smile. "And I'm Jamie." The younger looking boy spoke. My nerves settled a bit and we sat down. I didn't speak much, but observed them chat. I can't help but be trapped inside my own head sometimes. "So how have you been settling in?" I looked up realizing Jasmine was speaking to me. "Oh um I still don't know that many people, but I'm feeling more comfortable in my new house and I feel I'm doing well with my job." The conversation carried on, mostly small talk. I hope that these people can become my friends.

After dinner, the sun was starting to set as I walked slowly home. It was nice to observe the community, the flowers, the people, the structure, just the serenity of it all. I haven't seen anything like this for ages, not since before the fall. My steps slowed even more as my mind wandered, I came along a row of crops without realizing. I admired the bountiful garden until my attention turned to a man with a spear speaking firmly. "It's time to go your shift is up." He was talking to a man crouched down in the dirt still planting something. "Alright alright give me a sec." He returned with a gravelly voice. I was confused as to what was going on, so I kept watching. The man with the spear spoke again, angrier this time. "No. You seem to forget you can't just do whatever you want. Come now." The crouching man sighed and slowly stood up, revealing his tall and lean frame.

At a distance I could barely see his face, but for some reason I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I had never seen this man before, but something about him intrigued me. The mysterious man stepped towards the guy with the spear, and held his hands out. He cuffed him and led him away. Thankfully I went unnoticed but I was still shocked. I didn't know there were prisoners in Alexandria? Maybe I would question Rosita about it tomorrow. It was getting darker so I hurried home.

Unlocking the door, I entered my small but cozy house. I changed into pajamas and sat on my bed to finally relax after a long day. I read my new book for about an hour before finally yawning and feeling ready to sleep. I turned off the light and laid down, this new life was slowly becoming familiar and I was grateful. I dozed off and before I knew it I was dreaming. I was in the gardens again, still wandering and picking up fruits and vegetables for the taking. Lost in my own world, I bumped into a tall figure. I dropped what I was holding and stared up into a pair of deep hazel eyes. It was the prisoner, but the guard was nowhere to be seen. He was smiling down at me, widely. I felt my stomach tie up into knots. I smiled back, but it slowly faded when his face began to distort. I can't describe the look on his face but I know that it made me uneasy. As scared I was starting to feel warm and fuzzy in my chest. He put his hand on my shoulder and I shivered. I tried to speak but nothing would come out.

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