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I fed the animals their dinner, time passed slowly, but I was finally done.

I leaned against the barn wall and sighed as I slid down, sitting on the ground.

Images of Chuck's bloody face played in my mind on repeat. My body shuddered at the bones in his face making a sickening crunch.

I was used to violence, gore didn't affect me like it used to, but there was something about Negan being the one to deliver the beating that made my stomach turn.

How did he know what Chuck did to me? Why did he react like that? I couldn't stop worrying about him. Things seemed to be going well for him, all the privileges and little freedoms he was earning. Were they going to lock him in that cell forever? Would the council do something worse?

I truly believed that Chuck deserved what happened to him, but I didn't want Negan to risk all that he had, just to punish Chuck.

Amidst the chaos, Negan's actions seemed to blur the line between predator and protector, his relentless assault on Chuck driven by a primal fury that sent chills down my spine. Despite the fear that gripped me, there was a part of me that couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction at seeing Chuck receive the punishment he so rightfully deserved.

But as the minutes stretched into eternity, and Chucks cries grew weaker, I found myself overcome by a profound sense of guilt.

It took three men to pull Negan off of Chuck, when they finally did, he was unconscious. He was carried off to the infirmary. The man who always guarded Negan showed up, he was cuffed and taken to his cell.

Why did he get so angry? He barely even knew me. Did he really care about me? My heart fluttered at the thought. My sadness deepened when I realized that I didn't know when I would see him again.


I was going to see him tonight, and nothing was going to stop me. I went home and waited for some time to pass, it was only three pm.

I watched the sun go down from my bedroom window, I was so anxious. I knew I was going to have to do something bad in order to get the keys to Negan's cell.

I crept through the streets of Alexandria, making my way to the church, the one place I knew there would be a set of keys.

I opened the large double doors of the building, inside were two rows of pews before a steeple. The large cross above shadowed down. The room was lit by numerous candles, Father Gabriel stood with his back turned, reading some sort of scripture.

"Father?" I spoke.

He turned to me "Hello there Y/N, you've never visited the church before, what brings you here so late?"

I felt my conscious burn, knowing I was going to lie to him. "I need guidance."

"You've come to the right place, have a seat child." He said with a small smile.

I sat down at the very first pew, I had the urge to squirm around in my seat, but I remained still.

"What is plaguing you?" He asked.

"I witnessed what happened today." I said quietly.

"I presume you mean Negan?"

I nodded.

"Ah, yes. He is a tortured soul. I've tried to help him many times, and just when I think that I'm getting through to him." He looked at the ground

"What's going to happen to him?"

"The council will decide tomorrow. As for you, the violence you witnessed, it must be troubling you."

"Yes, father. I can't get it out of my head." I replied.

You're no good for me - Negan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now