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Negan's POV

Sun shone through the small window of my cell early in the morning, I raised my hand to cover my eyes, I rolled over and groaned. I was exhausted that morning and would love nothing more than to go back to sleep, even if my body would allow me to do that. I sat up and put my legs over the edge of the bed.

I just sat there staring at the floor, in nothing but my underwear. After a couple minutes I heard the sound of the outside door being unlocked. Father Gabriel walked in holding a tray with my breakfast. "Good morning Negan." He spoke softly. I just looked at him, saying nothing. He sat the tray aside and nodded at me.

I slowly stood up, stretching my sore back and legs. I was getting too old to have to work everyday. I walked over the cell bars and put my back to it, sticking my hands through the bars and letting Father Gabriel cuff me. Eight years and the man still didn't trust me, but I don't really blame him.

He unlocked my cell door and grabbed the tray, after entering he set the tray down on my bed. It had scrambled eggs, a small bowl of blueberry oatmeal and a glass of milk. I couldn't complain, even if I ended up as a prisoner, my captors treated and fed me well.

"They are starting building today, new houses on the west end. You will be assisting them from now on." Father Gabriel spoke. "Well I should jump up and down with joy." I replied sarcastically. It didn't matter what I was doing, work was work, but I preferred the gardens. Before I worked in the gardens, I didn't know that I had a green thumb.

"Have you considered my offer of joining the church on Sundays? I think a relationship with god would do you good." He asked. I just scoffed, I don't even know why he keeps asking. He knows how I feel about the big man.

After finishing my breakfast, I got dressed for the day. It was the usual dark blue button up and matching pants. I sat on my bed as I waited for the guard to come down to get me. My mind drifted to the strange girl I talked to last night, she seemed to have taken an interest in me. Probably because this gated community life was boring compared to life out there, I knew she didn't actually care about me.

She was beautiful though, it thrilled me to have someone to talk to who wasn't male. Her innocent looking eyes flashed into my head, how old was this girl? I suddenly realized that I didn't even know her name. I guess it didn't matter, it's not like anything would ever happen between us. She probably won't come around after last night. I was being a fucking dumbass getting so close to her like that, and touching her hair? I groaned as I put my head into my hands.

The door unlocked and the fat bald guard named Randy walked in. As usual he said nothing to me. He opened the cell door, I stood up and walked forward, letting him handcuff me. He was holding the same twig like spear he always did. He then began to escort me to the building site.

We walked up the stairs and into the street, there was a couple walking together, and on the other side of the street a woman with her two kids. The children were running around chasing each other, giggling like it was the funniest thing in the world. The mother noticed me and shouted at the children to stay close to her, The two kids stopped and looked at me, freezing. They stared at me like a scary monster that waited for them under their bed. The couple stopped talking and turned their attention to me, they began to whisper.

I was very used to this sort of reaction to my presence. I smiled and said "Ahhh what a beautiful day, ain't that right Randy? The kind of day that just makes you want to fuck something." I exhaled deeply. "Keep your mouth shut prisoner." Randy said in a stern tone. "This is why you're my best friend." Randy rolled his eyes and ignored me.

You're no good for me - Negan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now