(Puppet) Master

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"GOOOOOOAL!" Commentator Mike Wazowski shouted into the microphone as he fisted the air in shock and surprise. His co-host Sully Sullivan sat there in awe as the teen prodigy known as James King was surrounded by Esperion Youth once more, to celebrate his goal.

"What an extraordinary display of flair and quick thinking by Number 9, James King. A nobody coming into this tournament has quickly turned into the star of the show!" Sully exclaimed as Mike chuckled.

"You're damn right Sully! Although the unknown part is false. King has been a highly sought after talent by many a clubs all over the world, something which is shocking to say the least"

"Enough about that Mike! How about you Guest Commentator? What did you think of that goal?"

From his seat next to the two commentators Leanardo Luna chuckled as he leant back into his seat. "Sure Sure, It was spectacular to say the least, truly a world class goal. Esperion is truly lucky to have James King to clean up some of their messes"

Both commentators looked at Luna with confusion. "What do you mean by that Leanardo?"

"That defender, he was going to miss the shot, any striker knows when a ball has a chance of going in the net, the slow buildup from the defender and consequent slower than average kick speed would have resulted in a defender blocking the shot." Leanardo explained as he crossed his arms.

"Its truly a wonder how a talent like James King hasn't been snatched up by some big club" Luna pondered aloud as his eyes narrowed. "I'm sure he would make a good secondary at La Real, that is if he can keep up to the standards that we have"

"That's some sound talk from the Scion himself" Mike said as a substitution was being called. "Oh and what's this? Damian Cant is coming onto the field! This is truly a treat!"

"What do you think of him Luna? You played against him in the Copa Del Rae's semi finals last season" Sully questioned the master striker who chuckled again as his eyes looked down at Damian.

"He's talented I'll give him that, a prodigy from Argentina coming to play for Barcha, sound familiar?" Leonardo said with a chuckle. "But he's still young and inexperienced, something that talent alone cannot overcome... well in most cases"

"What do you mean by that Leanardo?" Sully asked as the prodigy from Barcha approached the center of the field.

"Sometimes there's talent so monstrous that experience means squat to it, as long as the talented player has the mindset to carve their own path into this great game"


James watched as the field shifted, the intensity became more thick as the hallowed Damian Kant took center stage, the former center forward Xhaha took position on the right wing of Barcha's forward line.

"Been demoted have you?" James taunted as he grinned, looking at the frustrated striker, who sent him a glare. "It's probably for the better, after all you couldn't score a single goal"

"Those two lucky goals gone to your head have they?" The African player taunted in Spanish as he huffed. "Now that Damian's on the field you have no chance"

"So much for being prideful in your own skills, you fucking loser" James quipped back with a smirk, causing Xhaha to growl at him.

"Shutup, you fucking nobody"

"A nobody who blitzed past your 'World Class' defense" James chuckled as the game started again. "Did you guys send your B Team here? Because I'm shocked that you're all this trash"

"Shut the fuck up!" Xhaha shouted as he ran ahead of James, a series of events that would change James' perspective on Youth Football were about to unfold.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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