New Country, New Ideas

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The hot air of Qatar brushed over James as he exited the airport in shorts and a t-shirt. He could see other players from different clubs, from all corners of the globe. Some he recognised from the pages of Blue Lock. Ness and Kaiser, Agi from Manshine City. It seemed like many had arrived at the same time as them.

As he walked to the baggage area he found himself surrounded by Esperion Youth players, all whom glared at him as he collected his luggage. The buzz cut kid gave him an especially mean stare as he picked up his bags.

James rolled his eyes as he flipped the buzzed kid a middle finger. He wasn't here to make friends with these players, he was here to play and then get on his flight to Europe. As he made his way from the baggage collection, James noticed a trio of players blocking exit from the airport.

Not directed at him, or anyone in particular, they were only emerged in their own world of insults and egos. Micheal Kaiser and his toy Ness stood across from a singular lone and tall striker. Someone who James didn't seem to care about because he had never heard of this person before.

As he stood next to the arguing trio, he noted that they were speaking in Spanish, Kaiser attempting to get under the skin of the man he could now called Damian Cant. Even when he was a mere meter away, neither looked at him.

"Are you two gonna kiss?" James asked in Spanish as he crossed his arms and looked at the three with annoyance in his eyes.

The German in Ness looked at James with disgust and confusion. "Who do yo-"

Ness was interrupted as James sent him a glare and spoke over the German. "Who the fuck asked you to speak rat boy?"

He looked between the two strikers and sighed. "Sorry about that, my mind does not handle well when I haven't touched a football in a couple of days"

The trio looked at him as he grabbed his bags. "Can you move so I can exit this airport?"

The eyes of Kaiser narrowed as he, Ness and Damian took a step backward to allow James to pass through. He didn't see any insignias on the boy, no noticeable sponsorship, but he could sense the unique aura emanating from the boy. Something that only a special few possessed. "Who are you?"

James turned his head to look at Kaiser. "James King, Future Greatest Striker of all Time"

Ignoring the surprised scoff that came from Kaiser's mouth, James walked out of the Airport and to the place where his team was gathering. The name James King rung a bell for all three players, at least once in their time at a world class academy had they heard the name James King as a potential rival.


He panted as he booted another ball into the net. All alone on the one good training field that he had access to here. It was a place shared by teams who stayed in the same area. Currently the Japanese Squad, who was bunking with Esperion, was in the same area as La ReAl.

Despite this time being allocated for La ReAl, James saw that the pitch was not being used, he decided to make better use of the time.

Juggling the other ball he had, James began to get lost in thought of what had happened in the past few days, focusing on the offer from Manshine United. Could there have been other offers? Was it really just the old lady who ran the orphanage that stopped him from going overseas? Or was this thing a whole conspiracy?

Either way it didn't matter anymore, he was going to use this one or two games here in Qatar to publicize himself to the global stage before going on a trip around Europe and sowing seeds with major clubs.

As he booted James noticed that he had an audience, the ball hit the crossbar and bounced back over James to the person who was watching him. They caught the ball with ease on their chest and guided it down to the ground where they stopped its momentum with their foot.

"You're not supposed to be here" The cold and emotionless voice of Itoshi Sae stated as he kicked the ball back to James, who crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Unless you want to buy me plane tickets to London, I suggest you suck it up" King found himself saying as he flicked the ball up once more, juggling the ball again. "It's not like I want to be in this fucking country anyways"

A slight quirk of his brow allowed James King to understand that Sae was surprised by this reveal. The egotistical midfielder was not as emotionless as he portrayed himself to be. "Is that the same reason why you turned down a developmental offer at La Real?"

James sighed as he lobbed the ball to Sae, continuing their game of pass. "You'd think I love Japanese High School football that much, hey?"

Sae trapped the ball with his foot once more and held onto the ball. "Despite not being a player in this tournament, somehow many of the top tier clubs know who you are James King, you're probably the only person in history to turn down offers from more than 10 S Class clubs. Not a good reputation"

James chuckled darkly as he looked down and clenched his fists. "Yeah, it's funny that I only found out about this recently, I really thought that I wasn't good enough for Europe. But now I know for sure that I'm a world class talent."

Sae paused for a second, understanding what James had revealed to him and passing him the ball. "Parents don't like you playing football? Or just going overseas?"

"I'm an orphan," James explained, trapping the ball and kicking it high into the air. "But that shouldn't matter... Do one thing for me Itoshi Sae, when I play Barcelona and beat their asses in two days time, be there to witness it, and bring your scout there too. I'm open to talk"


Shorter chapter, honestly cbf  putting another segment in because it wouldn't flow. TY. Love the comments guys they make my laugh.

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