Change of Plans?

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James yawned as he stepped off the bus, the Tokyo airport was in full view. Though he did not understand why the JFA had picked 2am as a time to arrive and form a group. Surprisingly he was the first to arrive. He checked his watch and the time read 1:45.

He sighed as he noticed a familiar person approaching him. Ogun Montgomery was dressed in an all Abibas tracksuit with the same brand of baggage and shoes. James chuckled as he looked at Ogun. "You got a sponsorship or something?"

Ogun sent him a slight smile and replied in English. "You bet dawg"

James laughed, his accent reminded Ogun of a crocodile wrangler he had seen in the movies. "You really have an American accent"

"Bruh? Wasn't It obvious due to this skin of mine?" Ogun replied as he high-fived James. "I mean how many 'Normal Japanese' do you see with it"

"Fair play Yank" James replied as he crossed his arms, feeling more awake now. "I heard you're from Okinawa right?"

Ogun nodded. "And?"

"Just wanted to know if the rumors were true. Is everything in Okinawa chill?" James asked as he crossed his arms, looking at the taller boy with a sly grin.

"You bet" Ogun replied with a laugh as he set down his luggage. "Women seem to love me over there"

James scoffed as he looked at the boy his age. "Yeah that's definitely a lie"

Ogun growled mockingly, pretending to take offense. "I'll have you know I never lie about these types of things"

"Whatever you say ladies man" James chuckled as he grabbed his bags from the floor. "I'm hungry, want to get a bite to eat?"

Ogun nodded, grabbing his bags as well. "Only if you're paying"

James rolled his eyes.

"If you pay I'll tell you about the new schedule" Ogun admitted, crossing his arms with a shit eating grin. "It seems like part of this trip has been hijacked by Japan's Best Youth Team... Tokyo City Esperion"

James groaned. He just wanted to go to Europe.


All fourteen members of the exchange program huddled around the coach that was selected for this trip. "All of you are here! Great!"

The coach crossed his arms as he smiled, looking behind the group of footballers to the smaller group of students that were dressed in their school uniforms. "And so are the media team"

James turned and scanned the group of to-be reporters and sighed. "Ruka? How did you end up here?"

Ruka simply sent James a raspberry and chuckled. "I'm much smarter than you... you know! Why would I pass up a chance to go overseas!"

James blinked, not really caring. "It would have been easier if we went together though?"

Ruka pointed at James and sent him a grin. "And miss the chance to surprise you? No thank you"

James groaned as he placed a hand on his forehead. "I really don't think that this is a good idea, but please for the love of Noel Noa, Ruka, turn around and go home"

Ruka crossed her arms and pouted, relishing in the annoyance that she was to King. "Aww but who's gonna read you bedtime stories if I'm not there?"

Rolling his eyes once more, James yawned as he grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. "And here I was thinking that I would enjoy a month of peace and quiet. Follow if you will gremlin"

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