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The Matsukaze Kokuō High locker-room was silent. Everyone's heads hung low as every single person tried to grasp their current situation. Ryosuke Kira looked even more defeated than anyone else though, their guiding light had been extinguished.

"He's..." one defender started, gaining the attention of everyone. "He's a monster"

"Inhuman even" another chimed in with a defeated sigh.

"How are we supposed to catch him?" The defender who had been yellow carded, for ripping James' shirt, asked as he stared at the coach.

The coach found himself unable to answer that question, he wasn't sure there was a way to stop King. "We're just lucky he seems focused on keeping Kira away from the ball, rather than going on the offensive"

"C-Coach... there's no way right?" one midfielder asked, eyes widened with shock and the aura of defeat beginning to leak from his very being. "T-There's no way that he's still holding back?"

This time Kira chimed in, staring at the floor. "There are bursts where he puts his full attention towards, but for the majority of the game he just wanted to lock me down"

"So defeat is inevitable right?" A defender asked, the entire locker room now feeling the oncoming defeat.

The coach sighed. "Just do your best out there"

"You're kidding right?" a striker shouted out, walking up to Kira and grabbing his shirt. "You're supposed to be the best in Japan!"

The rest of the team watched on as this player, who had been promoted from the reserve team. "I thought this team was going to be the best in Japan! Here we are sulking because one human being is supposedly better than another! This isn't about one player! THIS IS A TEAM GAME!"

Kira looked at the striker with a sliver of hope in his gaze. "If you need us to help beat James King then use us! We will beat him!"

Kira smiled, he had forgotten that there were others on the field fighting with him. "I'm sorry for being such an idiot guys! LETS WIN THIS!"

The locker room erupted into cheers.


James knew something was up with Kira's team, they looked renewed and ready to rip into him. All the opposing team's eyes were locked onto him. This was an anime-verse, he reminded himself, there will always be some power of friendship bullshittery, even in blue lock.

It was made even more apparent when Kira himself wasn't as distraught as he had been before the break, his plays seemed lighter and more fluid. He had managed to get the ball a couple of times before passing it away.

He looked at the field as they attacked his team, passing between each other like a pro-team. It was cutting their defence to shreds. In his moment of distraction Kira slipped away from him. James caught on quickly.

Exploding from his spot he was about to catch up with Kira when an enemy blocked his path with a lead. He stepped to the side only getting further away from Kira as the play was made clear to James.

There was going to be a pass to Kira in the goal box, which would result in a goal. James grunted as he spun around the blocking player and sped toward Kira as the ball was passed.

He wouldn't get there in time, the best chance he had would be to slide and stop the shot. So he started his slide as Kira received the ball, winding up for a shot. He would make it in time.

James grinned as he entered the trajectory of the shot. Mere milliseconds away from intercepting the ball.

Kira's foot stopped before it hit the ball and tapped it to the right, the opposite side of where James was siding towards.

James' eyes widened as he slid by, watching Kira have an open shot at goal. He turned his body and scrambled to get up, he would not let him score.

It was too late.

As James got up Kira had already scored the goal. The stadium erupted into cheers, his enemies gathering around his supposed rival.

"If I'm a joke, and I just beat you..." Kira said as he grabbed James' shoulder and smirked. "What does that make you?"

James looked at him, there was no way that Kira had just said that, and with so little aura. He blinked and realised that the entire team had that aura leaking from them, that false sense of superiority.

He scoffed, slapping his hand off his shoulder. Mockingly he clapped his hands. "Good job, you just beat a single player with the help of your entire team. Still doesn't change the fact that you can't beat me in a 1v1"

James walked away feeling frustrated, which made him happy. Which made him want to go all out once more.

James looked at the clock and grinned, it was the 88th Minute. He could feel something bubbling inside of him. His instincts were telling him that he needed to score another goal. That if he didn't the world would end, that disasters of cataclysmic proportions would follow.

The pressure was now weighing down on him, the frustration all of it on and off the field. All those years of effort without real reward. Had he not played good enough for a club to take notice of him? All those thoughts had surfaced in his mind.

The pitch was loud, it was exciting. There was so much going on and to top it off it started to rain.

That's when James King took a deep breath in. The pressure didn't matter, the noise didn't matter, the rain didn't matter. He needed only to focus on the game in front of him. The ball in front of him. How to score with that ball.

The referee blew the whistle as King looked down at the ball, his ego sparking off him like a bolt of lightning. He looked at the ball and muttered to himself. "Isagi made a formula, what's my formula?"

"My weapons are my legs" he mumbled as he passed the ball back.

"Specifically my speed" The ball was passed back to him. He exploded and ran past a midfielder, the ball where he wanted it every step of the way.

"My dribbling is a side piece to help me score" James explained to himself as he nutmegged another defender and spun around another.

"All I need to score is space..." He had breached the second last line, all that was left were the four defenders in front of him. "Space has been found"

Exploding once more he passed another defender. The goal was in reach.

"No! You won't score!" Kira shouted as he ran towards James, he had anticipated that this would happen and placed himself in the backline. "The team will triumph!"

"And if I can't get to space..." James said, confusing Kira, his eyes focused on the space behind Kira. He knew that this was a 1v1, there was no way that others had anticipated this. He felt a tingling in his bones.

The world slowed down, he smirked. He was going to win. He ran slightly in front of the ball before using his feet to flick it up into the air. His aura now manifesting wings on his shoes and above his ears, the lightning sparking off of his back becoming more intense. "I make it!"

The ball flew over Kira as James bolted past him. The ball was falling right in front of his right foot. Opportunity for a volley had presented itself. James wound up his foot and booted the ball with as much force as he could muster.

Speed + Dribbling + Space = Goal

The ball hitting the back of the net before the keeper could process the rainbow flick that had just happened. James felt free and ran towards the corner, jumping into the air and punching it with his right hand. This feeling was electric, he wanted to recreate it over and over again! He had been wondering why he had been brought here but that didn't matter anymore, that message he got from a divine being didn't matter anymore. He knew what he wanted out of life, these moments were worth dying for.

The media focused on him as he grabbed a camera and shouted into it in English. "I'm a fucking god!"

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