The Start

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Middle School, he really didn't want to do this again. Realistically it was the first step in his football journey. Sure he had practiced on his own at the orphanage and at the park. But there wasn't enough material there to help him grow. He had to rely on his third rate knowledge of the human body to train his eight year old body to be the best it could be.

Even at this public school there would be people with connections or scouts for high schools, from what he had watched in anime, using that as a basis for his knowledge of Japanese High School sport culture, there were scouts everywhere when tournaments came along.

He had been given a hand me down school uniform from the orphanage, the only thing he needed was a pair of football boots. The dream he had received after his arrival had really taken control of his life. Something which hampered his social skills amongst his peers, the only one he could really have a conversation with was the caretaker. But that was because of his unique circumstances.

Which led him to understand that this world was different to his. Manchester was called Manshine, Barcelona was called Barcha. Just the names of cities was different, though there were some overlaps with the past universe he was living in. Messi and Ronaldo both existed and there were new stars like Noel Noa.

He watched the highlights of the top level of pros, it was above what he could recall of his previous viewings of football. It seemed like humans were more evolved to be physical and mental beasts, which led James to the conclusion that this was some sort of anime universe. He hoped it wasn't Bleach, then again it could be and he wouldn't know due to the whole spirits are invisible thing.

He came to this world in an eight year old's body, one which was different from his own. Icy blue eyes and short mellow yellow hair, which he had grown out slightly, really set the difference between that and his previous body.

If that and his obsession with football didn't set him aside from his child peers, his obviously foreign facial features did. Which told him that he was of foregin descent. Usually in anime Americans or any other foreigners were overpowered or had crazy hax abilities.

James thought about that alot, he hypothesised that he might be insane. Though it did explain how an eight year old could almost outrun boys twice his age, using various fakes as well, but that wasn't the point.

This was where his journey would start. He smiled, maybe he'd make a friend. Nango Junior High School.

As he walked into the school he grasped what was going on, there were many stalls featuring club banners, many people running around with wavers and attempting to ensnare young impressionable students.

A girl ran over to him with a flyer and looked at him, he looked at her. "Uh... nevermind"

She ran away to a different student. He didn't mind, it wasn't like she was going to be in the club he was going to join. Reading the signs of the stalls, James navigated his way to the stall that was titled 'Soccer Club' headed by a pair of students, one girl and one boy.

The boy looked at him, disinterested, showcased by his slow blinks. Eventually the gril picked up for his slack. "Hello there! Are you here to join the soccer club?"

"I'm here to play football" James replied with a nod as the boy sighed and slid over a form for him to fill out. As he grabbed a pen he noticed the girl nudge the boy.

Whispering, she scolded him. "At least appear interested, this boy's clearly from a different country, maybe he's super good"

"Nanase, just because he's a foreigner, it doesn't mean that he'll be better than us at soccer... he's still a kid" the boy replied, not sparing anyone the courtesy as his response was loud.

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