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Hey All, Its been a while hey? I didn't like where the story was going after a lot of re-reads, I couldn't get things clicking you know. But anyways I've decided to dive deep again and plan out some new arcs before Blue Lock. This will explore James evolving, rather than just staying the same as well as introducing some of my faves into the series.

Thank you all so much for the comments and reads! It means alot to me!

Get ready for this new Arc: King on Tour


James looked at the letter he received, this wasn't the one he was expecting ever since he deduced that this world was the one of Blue Lock.

To Whom it may concern,

Your exploratory performances have lead to you being selected to the preliminary stages of a cultural exchange program funded by the Japanese Football Association. You alongside 49 other selected individuals have been invited to compete for 15 spots on the 2017 All-Star exchange team.

This team will be given the opportunity to fly over to Europe and play against European school and youth club teams within the appropriate age range. All expenses will be paid for if you are eligible for government funding. Those who have the financial means to attend the trip will be billed small invoices for food and bedding but the JFA will accept the majority of funds necessary for such an endeavor.

The current itinerary of the program is as follows:

England - London, Manchester & Liverpool (1st - 10th)

France - Paris & Lyon (11th-15th)

Spain - Madrid & Barcelona (15th-21st)

All relevant questions will be answered at a seminar for all relevant individuals.

As part of the experience a team of journalists, of similar age to the players, will document the travels and moods of the players and publish a video as well as articles to display how the players fair overseas.

Kind Regards,

Higauchi Temeri, Junior Executive of Talent Relations.

A grin spread across James' face as he realized what was going on. Japan had somehow grown the balls to send some of their youth overseas, and he was one of them. Chuckles echoed throughout the halls of the orphanage as the Ego of James King exploded once more, slightly scaring those who shared a room with him.


As the train pulled to a stop, James waited patiently outside of it, kitted out in his school tracksuit. It seemed like he was the only one from his school, or the prefecture to be invited to this conglomerate of talent.

The doors opened and he stepped in, The usual crowd of salary men and women as well as school students filled the carriage as he looked for a seat, as people looked up and gazed at him he heard whispers coming from the younger portion of the population.

One particular man, approaching his twenties, looked at James with a quizzical look on his face as a group of high schoolers made their way to King.

The group mixed with girls and boys all took out their phones and started to take pictures of James, which confused him, sure he was well known in the local football community here in Japan but this had never happened before.

James clicked his tongue gathering the attention of the group. "Would you like an actual photo with me?"

At first they looked confused but then they accepted his offer.

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