King vs Media

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James looked at the newspapers in front of him, and blinked slowly to show how much he cared about this little meeting.

Genius x Genuis: King and Aiku join forces at Kazehaya High

The perfect team! Kazehaya's iron wall defence and lightning fast attack.

Kazehaya's Genuis Duo breezes to claim the prefecture title with a clean sheet!

"Why can't you be like Aiku? Your mouth is almost causing more trouble than your worth" Miss Suki lectured, the team had made a record breaking run into the Nationals. She sorted through the articles and placed three in front of James.

'The title Disrespectful Genuis is well earned' says scout of Japan U16 National Team.

'The game is too slow for me' says King after scoring second hat-trick.

'The youth league is below me'. King refuses sports within every J-League Youth program.

"What's there to discuss, the only challenge that I would get would be at the professional level here in Japan. The Youth League and the Nationals have the same quality of play." James replied honestly, crossing his arms and staring at Miss Suki. "Oliver and I push each other enough to make up for the lack of scheduled games"

"You're limiting your potential!" Miss Suki almost screamed, slamming her hand down on the table. "No team in Europe would want to recruit an egotistical teen whose mouth opens before he thinks"

She then pulled out another article and put it over the top of the other two.

A star emerges from the shadow cast by the Disrespectful Genius

After Dominating the Middle School National Scene for three consecutive years, James King has graduated and entered High School, leaving his throne, which is reserved for best Middle School Player, vacant.

The state of middle school soccer had changed ever since King's disappearance, schools and youth clubs searching for the next big star which they could combine their powers with to grab the Nationals Silverware.

Matsukaze Kokuō Junior High seems to have found the answer. That being their ace, Ryosuke Kira! The charming young man has seemingly repaired the destructive path that King had carved with not only his brilliant soccer skills but with his charming personality, something which King lacked.

The young man is on track to equal King's scoring record as long as he can make the National Final.

The scout for the Nation's Under 16 Team has expressed his opinions on both strikers when he announced the team list yesterday. Where Kira had been named the Ace Striker!

'Mr Hanabe! Does the JFA agree with your decision to not include James King within it's U16 Squad?'

'While James does have a bucketload of talent, how much is to be determined yet, he lacks the attitude to cooperate with our team management. Through the training sessions that he had attended it was clear that he could get along with his teammates fine, but it seems the child has a lack of respect for authority figures. Kira on the other hand is a pleasure to be around according to the reports that I have read'

'So this isn't based on talent or playing ability, or even the ability to co-exist with the team is it? Perhaps the JFA don't like James King?'

'A different question please'

'Who is the better player? King or Kira?'

'They're both at the top when it comes to their age group, currently'

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