Life changing wager

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"Mr King, the computer lab is closing. You need to go home" The voice of a teacher at his new school demanded, causing James to sigh. He was currently looking at highlights of Messi and was taking notes in one of his spare notebooks.

"Can we wait until this video finishes? Please? I need to understand him" James pleaded, not paying attention to the teacher in the slightest. Eyes fixated on the screen that displayed Messi disassembling a team with his insane dribbling skills.

"You have thirty seconds until you have to shut down" The teacher replied, smiling as she watched the unique child glue himself to the computer screen once more.

Writing down the only logical conclusion he could process as to how this was even humanly possible. 'Enhanced processing and reaction speed + Speedy Dribbles + Inhuman balance = Goal'

"Done" James said as he immediately turned off the computer, closing his notebook.

James walked up to his teacher, everything in his satchel bag. "I was surprised that you didn't put your name down on the soccer club page"

"If the football club wants me in it, they would ask me to join. My time is valuable Miss Suki" James replied politely, he considered himself above high school football, being offered a spot in many J-League Youth Teams. All of which he was in negotiations with to let him play in the professional league.

"I'm actually surprised you chose to come here anyways. Sure Kazehaya High has the best soccer program in the prefecture, but compared to other powerhouse schools it is third rate. My initial impression of the Disrespectful Genius was that he would only settle for the best" The teacher said, attempting to start up a conversation with James.

"I'm only here to keep a friend of mine out of trouble, or until I get scouted by a European Club. And I loathe that title, why do people call it disrespect when I say the truth? There is no way that any sort of High School competition here can compare to ones in South America or Europe." James found himself replying, eying the teacher as she seemed to be intellectually stimulated by a fifteen year old.

"You're not wrong there Mr King... but if people like you actually took the time to develop the scene instead of rushing to the top it would be better" Suki replied, causing James to look at her as if she where stupid.

"Let me put this into normal people's terms. If you had the chance to earn a better living, in a better working environment, would you take it?" James replied, turning his back to the teacher and getting ready to walk away after asking that rhetorical question.

"No I wouldn't" She replied, causing James to scoff in disgust.

"It's the complacency in idiots like you that ends up hurting the very environment they love" James replied quickly and with a glare. "You have no desire to better your circumstances, no desire to win at life. Why do you try to lecture me about things you clearly have no expertise about?"

Miss Suki's face was that of shock and understanding. She quickly gathered her wits and replied. "I now understand why you have that epithet... Perhaps a wager would be more appropriate?"

"What are you betting? I've got nothing to give you" James replied, impressed by his teacher's ability to stay calm.

"I'll give you the key to the computer lab, if you can score against our first string soccer team" She offered before smirking evilly. "One Attempt by yourself"

"You'd better get a move on..." James replied instantly, his thirst for understanding the world's best being seduced by the prospect of unlimited knowledge at his fingertips. He turned his head and looked at her with unwavering confidence. "Because there's no chance that I won't win"

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