"Why?" He says softly as he puts his other hand on top of our intertwined hands. He looks genuinely dissatisfied with the fact I feel that way.

"I am impure now. I ruined my purity and what if we never get married? Than mother will never be able to find me another husband, not that I necessarily want or need one, but I do hate the thought of growing old all alone without children or someone who loves me, trapped between the thick walls of the castle, with the responsibility of the whole kingdom. I am ruined." The words just keep flowing out. "Estelle will find herself a husband and move in with him, I will no longer have a best friend and I will be all alone. I will die alone and I cannot die alone."

"Good god, stop." He grabs my shoulders. "You are overreacting. You are not impure, it was just a kiss. Didn't mean anything."

That stung.

"But I mean..." I pick at my nailbeds, it's my nervous trait. "What If I..." I am too embarrassed to say it out loud.

"What if you're what?" He thumbs rub on my shoulders.

"What if I'm pregnant!" I blurt out and this time I cannot stop the tears from forming.

He looks at me dead silent then suddenly starts cackling. And I mean cackling, as in hand on belly and bending over forwards.

"That is not funny." I wipe a tear away.

"Love, that is not how pregnancy works." His laughter finally dies down and we start walking again.

"It's not?" Relief washes over me.

"No, not at all." He kicks a loose pebble away that was stranded on our path. "There are a lot more steps. We did none of those."

"Will you tell me what they are?" Now he's made me curious.

"You will know when it's necessary."

I groan. "So secretive."

"Says you. What were you talking about earlier, why are we dressed like this?"

I point forwards. "That's the village over there. Some times I like to pretend like I am normal for a day. Ever tried it?"


"Of course not, you are too egocentric." I put my hood up and walk faster so I'm walking in front of him now.

"Hey!" I hear him yell offended from behind me.

I push open a wooden door that leads towards a tavern. 'The black lamb' the sign above the door reads. As soon as I step foot inside I am met with loud music, noisy people and the strong smell of beer.

I push through the many groups of people and walk up to the bar so I can order us some drinks.

"This is where you go in your free time?" He looks like a fish out of the water. Even though he is now not dressed that differently, he still doesn't blend in with the crowd. He is too poised, too well mannered, even when he is not as well mannered as a prince should be may I add.

"Two beers please", I yell to be heard over the music by the man behind the bar. He is a chubby, big man. He looks like someone you don't want to fight with. Nicholas hand is on my waist and he pulls me closer.

"12 shillings." He orders. I grab it out of my money back that is hanging from my belt. I hand it over to man and grab our beers that he had filled in the meantime.

"Young love." A woman sighs dreamily beside me as she points with her eyes at how Nicholas stands behind me protectively.

"Sorry?" I giggle, "we are not- "
"-not that much of a young love. We have loved each other since we first started working together on the farm when we were just children. Isn't that right my Charlotte?" He squeezes me in my side to urge me to play along.

The courting trapDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora