The Ball

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Victoria's dress:

Victoria's dress:

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

"Oh lord." I wheeze as Estelle tightens my corset. My waist basically looks half the size it naturally is.

"Tight enough?" She asks.

"Yes!" I exclaim.

"If she can yell, it's not tight enough." Mother mutters from somewhere behind me.

For God's sakes.

I'm wearing a beautifully decorated, off-shoulder white dress. Apparently, off-shoulder dresses make your neck look longer, which men supposedly find very appealing according to Mother.

"Fix her hair, it's untidy." Mother commands again, I can't imagine what she'd be like on our wedding, poor Estelle. Luckily it's not happening.

Nicholas and I discussed our plan this morning. When we have to share a dance, we start a fight in front of all our guests and he will say he no longer wishes to marry me. Brilliant, if I say so myself.

I wonder what he is like as a dancer. I cannot phantom him dancing, what if he never wanted to learn? He might not even know how to dance, which would make our act all the more convincing.

"There, all done." Estelle sighs. Mother looks me over and leaves without saying a word. She only ever tells me what I do wrong, if I look or do something right, she would never tell me.

"My hands." Estelle fake cries as she falls down on my bed. I sit down next to her and when I go to lay down she stops me. "Don't!" She pushes me upright. "I just spent 2 hours on your hair, please, I can't feel my fingers."

"I'm sorry." I laugh. "You know how my Mother is, everything has to be perfect."

"Nothing could ever be perfect." She stretches out on my bed.

"That might be true, but that does not stop mother from trying." I get up and pace around my chamber. "So are you excited for tonight?"

"Of course. My first ball in a long time."

"Maybe we will find you a suitor tonight." I smirk as I poke Estelle in her side and she squeals.

"Stop it." She giggles. "I don't feel like there is anyone out there for me really."

"Don't say that of course there is!" I sit down again. "If you want a husband, we will find you one." I rest my hand on her knee in comfort.

"Well how about you? How are things going with getting rid of your fiancé?"

"Great. We worked our plan out and I think it will actually work. I'm so relieved." I clap in excitement.

Estelle and I are now sitting on a windowsill in the hallway. The window overlooks the courtyard. We see all the carriages arrive, the most extravagantly dressed people get out of them. We guess what they are like.

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