First Impressions

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I had been counting the hours, trying to focus on the piano but pressing the wrong keys. Now it's time. He's here.

I saw the carriage arrive, it was black with a brown and a black horse pulling it.

Mother made me wait in my bedchamber, she would welcome him first and then I will have to make an entrance.

Can't believe he's under the same roof as me right now, the air in here already feels different. Stuffy and uneasy.

Estelle meets him first and my mother will give her a cue when she needs to get me.

So I am left alone with the thoughts rushing through my head. Not the best time to be alone. I'm pacing through my room, playing with the ring on my middle finger my grandma gave me.

A knock on the door instantly makes me freeze.

Darn it.

The door opens, "Victoria, your mother asked me to get you." Estelle says carefully.

"Alright." I hesitate, we enter the hallway and with every step I take my anxiety seems to get worse.

These hallways always felt so long, now I wish they were longer. I was at the other side in no time, now standing in front of the door. I'm going to meet my possible future husband.

Estelle goes to grab the door handle. "Wait!" I lay my hand on top of hers to stop her. "What's he like?" I wince.

"He's ehhh...calm." It sounds more like a question.

"Okay." I swallow. "Go on."

The doors open and all heads but one turn to my direction.

His father is sitting on the sofa, opposite of the one my mother and father are sitting on. He leans his hand on a cane.

I notice him standing in the windowsill. All I can see is his silhouette.

I clear my throat. "Good afternoon my majesty." I say, doing a curtsy. "Father, mother." I say doing another curtsy.

"Hello dear." Mother says with a smile.

"Good afternoon." His father speaks up, his voice is deep and I can tell he is strict. "Son, sit down."

He turns around and I am met with his dark eyes. I freeze and he slightly furrows his eyebrows in what I assume is disapproval. I quickly do a curtsy, which he doesn't return and sits down next to his father. I sit down next to mine and everyone stays quiet. I guess I have to be the one to break the silence. "It is a lovely weather outside today."

"Yes indeed." His father smiles. "Introduce yourself Nicholas." He whispers as he elbows him.

"Nicholas Alexander Griffen the third." He speaks without as much as looking at me. The first time I hear his voice, it is deep like his father and raspy.

"A pleasure to meet you your royal highness. I am Victoria Catherina Levine." I smile, he looks at me but doesn't return the gesture.

I frown and he keeps staring my in the eyes without reacting. Does he find joy in this? Humiliating me? I am really trying but he's making it difficult.

"Well lets leave to two alone while we talk about the arrangements ."

God no.

As soon as they leave the room I drop my shoulders, Estelle sits down next to me and I turn my gaze towards her. I flash her a questionable look, which she can obviously read like a book. She gives me one back.

The only thing that can be heard is the ticking of the cuckoo clock. When it hits 6 pm and the bird comes out is where I draw the line.

"We're taking a walk, you can join is, or not, but we're going."  With that I stand up and leave the room, he follows us, walking behind and keeping his distance.

We grab our coats from the cloakroom, and Estelle doesn't grab his. I hold the door open for him. He walks through it and doesn't even look at me to thank me. I close the door a little too loudly and fasten my pace, almost running. so I pass him and walk next to Estelle, she's me chaperone so I'm so grateful I don't have to do this on my own.

Suddenly he appears next to me, he didn't even seem to be walking fast it was his own pace.

"So," I start, attempting to start yet another conversation. "what is it you are looking for in a wife?" I turn my head towards him, waiting for an answer but he just keeps staring forwards.

I sign, angrily turning around to go back, when I feel a hand on my arm. "Someone who respects me." He grits, his eyes darkening. His eyes really pierce through your soul, they are intimidating.

I turn back around to walk next to him again and he lets go. "What a coincidence that's exactly what I'm looking for." I spit.

He hums. "What are your specialties?" He says in a one toned voice.

"Piano, violin, horse riding, literature, French and embroidery." The last one was a lie.

"Of course." He says rather annoyed.

I frown my brows, "Well then what are yours?"

"Sword fighting, hunting, piano, politics, german, french and diplomacy." The words flow out of his mouth like water, like he has said this a thousand times before.

"Of course." I quote. "Well, how lovely this walk was, I am heading back inside." With that I turn around and leave him in the gardens.

"Can't believe he's staying for two whole weeks or maybe even the rest of my life. I am already sick of him." I complain to Estelle.

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