Splintered Arrow

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"You are going for a ride with Prince Nicholas today." Mother says as she passes me in the hallway. I was on my way to pay a visit to the library but I guess not.

I stop in my tracks and turn around, now all I can see is the back of her walking away. "Mother-"

"This is final!" She points a finger up without looking at me. I groan, throwing my head back. My day is already ruined. I hoist my blue dress up and angrily stomp back to my room to dress in something more equestrian like.

I put on my brown riding boots. They're a little above my ankle, with a heel. I tie the laces and bid goodbye to Estelle who just walked into my room.

Estelle doesn't necessarily have to come with us anymore, she explained. Mother had told her we are to be married so a chaperone is no longer needed when we're together.

I walk past his room making sure to not step on the creaking floorboard this time. If I'm there before he is, I can sneak away and mother won't know we went riding separately.

As Mrs Taylor opens the door for me I see Nicholas and his horse already awaiting on the square. I walk down the way too many steps of the white stairs and stop right on front of him.

For god's sakes.

"Good morning." I say rather annoyed.

"It is not." He murmurs, sitting on top of his horse. It's a beautiful big black horse, with long wavy manes. Nicholas is wearing black leather pants and overall with a white blouse underneath. He seems to be carrying his hunting gear. He thinks we're going hunting?

"What's his name?" I ask.

"Darius." he doesn't seem to like me question, but does he like anything? I don't even think this man has hobbies. Bothering me maybe.

"You're so beautiful." I say stepping forward to rub it's nose. Nicholas turns Darius' head away with a pull at his reigns.

"He does not like being pet." He grits, but his horse is already smelling me. Signalling me it's interested in me.

"Sure." I blow air through my nose in a snort. I grab his headset. And let my hand caress his cheeks. "Hello gorgeous." My voice automatically goes a few pitches higher. He responds by rubbing his head against mine. I giggle and brush his manes out of his face. "Yeah he hates it."

He scoffs, looking to another direction.

With that I quickly hurry inside to grab my hunting gear. I don't hunt, I just like practicing with my bow an arrow. I mean, you never know what could happen so you should always be prepared. Especially with him bringing his, I will not let him be the only carrying a weapon. He has shown me before he can get aggressive I need to be able to protect myself.

I put the strap of the arrow case around my shoulder and walk over to the stables. Which are on the left of the square Nicholas is waiting on me.

"Good morning Matthew can you fetch Willow for me please?" I ask.

"Good morning," he bows. "I already saddled her, she's ready to go." He smiles and handes her reins to me. I grab onto the them just above his hands and the side of mine graces against the side of his. My eyes trace up to meet his and a smile creeps up his face.

I clear my throat. "Thank you."

"Have fun Miss!" He bows. I turn back and nod as a silent way of saying thank you. I climb on top of Willow and feel his eyes on my back.

What was that?

We walk over to the spot Nicholas and Darius are, her hooves clicking on the stones. He furrows his brows in confusion, looking at something behind my shoulder. I turn to look back seeing Matthew still standing there. He then immediately turns around and walks back into the stables.

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