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Today Estelle dressed my in this beautiful dress with three-quarter sleeves. Dresses like these are very fashionable at the moment, to show of your beautiful underarms and in my case, the marks imprinted on them.

"Good morning everyone!" I smile as I slam my fist on l the table, making everyone's head turn towards the sound.

"Jezus Christ child, what happened to your arm?" Mother asks grabbing it to take a look at it from up-close. She sits from my left. The dining room has a high ceiling, four tall windows with green curtains and a chandelier hanging above to long wooden table.

"It's nothing Mother." I pull my arm from her grip, and put my hand over the bruises putting on my best sad face as I look down pathetically. After the subject is changed my eyes trace up to meet the ones that scolded me yesterday.

"Good morning my prince." I cheered with an annoyingly nice tone.

"Good morning." He murmurs, eyes squinting and jaw clenching. His piercing eyes stare at me, he knows I'm up to something.

I am going to make him wait, wait until I hit back, not knowing when but knowing it's going to happen. And when he least expects it, that's when I will strike. Like my own little form of torture.

"Cheers everyone!" I say raising my glass. As everyone repeats after me, I swing mine into Nicholas' making the juice spill on his suit.

"For fu-" He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Excuse me." He smiles tight lipped and very forced, he hurries out of the room and the servants have to rush to open the doors for him in time.

"Excuse me too." I smile getting up and going after him, making the servants who were already closing the doors, swing them open again. "Thank you!" I yell as I try to run in my heels.

"Nicholas!" I yell as he's walking on the other end of the hallway. "Dearest!" I have to hold in a cackle. He turns the corner and I am quick to turn the corner after him.

Suddenly I collide with a hard surface. I tumble to the ground and try to hold on to whatever's in reach. I look up to see green eyes, dark from anger staring back at me. That's when I realise what I am holding. His hand.

He rips his hand from my hold. And points a finger at my face. "This is the last time I warn you. You better stop or you will regret it."

"Can you help me get up sweetie?" I reach my hand up at his, I flutter my lashes sarcastically.

He stares me straight in the eye not moving a muscle, until a servant turns the corner. She stops in her tracks with worry displayed on her face. "Are you alright my lady?"

"Yes of course she is, she just tripped." He spits

He grabs my hand and swiftly pulls me up. Immediately removing his warm hand from my cold one, like touching me hurt him.

"So clumsy, never looking out and thinking about the consequence."

Did that have a double meaning?

"Alright, if you say so." She hesitates for a minute but then moves along.

"You better make sure to tell her nothing was going on here."

"Then I guess you better tell your daddy dearest to call of the marriage." I snarl, crossing my arms.

He chuckles. The first time I've heard him laugh. "You think I haven't tried? Didn't you hear when you were spying on me?"

"Well try harder." I raise my voice.

"Watch that tone!" He snaps. Furrowing his brows.

For a second I contemplated shutting my mouth and obeying him. But that's not the way I am.

"You watch that tone!" I yell louder. "I am your future Queen, you should be lucky to even be in my presence. One wrong move and you and your reputation are going down. YOU better stop what you're doing or you will regret it, I promise you that." I clench my fists so hard, I'm sure I could've broken a finger.

He stays deadly silent. Looking me straight in the eye. "I don't care who you are, I am the future king and you will obey me. If not now, then it's when we're married. And I promise you, no matter how hard you try I will always make your life more miserable." He walks past me, leaving a gush of wind in his trail.

I shake with anger. I have had enough of this man. I am paying mother a visit right this instance and I am going to tell her exactly how I feel. I don't care how, but he will be gone out of my life.

I knock on her study. "Mother,  it's urgent!"

The door whips open. Surprised my mom didn't use one of her servants to do it for her.

"What?" She exclaims with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her. She didn't even smile this big when I took my first steps. "Did it happen?"

"Did what happen?" I furrow my brows in confusion.

She pulls my inside and sits me down on a chair, sitting on one across from me. "Did he ask you to marry him? Or did he at least ask to court you?"

"What?! No! The opposite." I jump up from my seat. "I despise him, you cannot make me marry that I point at the direction of the door.

"Excuse me?" She gets up too. "You have not even known the man for a week. And trust me when I tell you, you will marry him." She does not look angry, her features look relaxed which is even scarier. "Now leave, I need to get ready for my high tea." She says coldly, acting like I'm not even there as she turns her back to me.

// Nicholas//

"Father just listen to me!"

"No son I have heard enough. We have had this conversation before, this girl is the perfect match. A high status, the highest, and a good family we can form an alliance with."

"But I-"

"This is not about you!" He shouts. "This is about out country and our people. Stop being selfish and accept the fact this is your future wife!"

My blood is boiling. "Alright father."

As I open the door I see the devil herself walk by, Victoria. She looks to be wiping her tears. I suppose her talk didn't go much better.

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