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I gently shove another spoon of porridge into my mouth. I hate the taste, but my throat is too soar to swallow solid things. As my breakfast makes it's way down my gullet, a tear runs down my cheek.

I woke up this morning due to my throbbing headache. One side of me was surprised to be alive, the other side of me wished I wasn't. My hand was wrapped in a damp cloth, it was purple and hurt to move. My throat hurt so much I decided to just not speek at all. Not like I have much to say now anyway, as Estelle is the only one I really talk to.

I take another sip of my cold water. The room is dead silent except for my occasional whimpers. Everyone already ate, I, or rather my mother, decided it was best for me to eat alone, since my head hurts too much and I need to rest according to the docter.

I don't know if mother followed the docters advice so strictly because she actually wants me to get well, or because she doesn't want him and I in the same room.

Yes, she didn't sent him away. She thinks we should talk about what happened, and they should figure out what happened.

I haven't admit what I've done yet. Not that I was given the chance, since I was unconscious on the floor in no time, however I don't know if I should after seeing his reaction.

And guess what, I have embroidery lessons today. Mother is of opinion it will be calming for me. I think I know better than anyone it's the opposite. But here I am anyway, sitting across from Mrs Roggers as the only sound is the needles going in the fabric and the ticking of the pocket watch of my teacher.

"So, is Estelle not joining us today your highness?" There's a curious tone in her voice. I'm sure she knows, I bet the other maids told her of Estelle's absence and they encouraged her to question me, so she could report back. I won't stand for it.

Which is the reason I don't say a word. I'm taking in the awkward silence and I'm enjoying it. I look up at her so she acknowledges I heard her, she raises her brows as if she's telling me she's waiting for my answer and I shake my head slowly, like I'm digsusted, annoyed even, and continue with my embroidery.

I'm her future queen, not some gossip material. If she does something like that ever again, I will personally make sure of it she doesn't set foot in this house again.

I think I heard that pocket watch tick thousands of times before I was finally excused to leave. I ran into mother in the hall. She put a hand on my shoulder. "I need you to be honest with me," she looks into my eyes like she can see right through me. "Did you do that to Nicholas' room?"

I shake me head and look down at my hands wich are fiddling with my dress, the dress which collar is high enkugh to cover my neck. "I need you to come with me." Her tone changes from sweet to strict. She rests a hand on my back and pushes me forward to walk alongside her.

She pushes the door open to the dining hall and there he sits. It's the first time I've seen him since the incident. It hasn't been long enough, I atleast wanted to wait until his fingers were no longer displayed as bruises on my neck.

Nicholas is sitting on a chair in the middle of the table. His father is standing right of him, leaning on the chair with his arm.

Mother's heels click on the floorboards as she walks over to the table and sits down across from Mr Griffin. He, as well as my mother, observe me in silence as my feet stay glued to the floor, Nicholas is staring straight ahead, likely trying to avoid my gaze. "Sit down." She orders.

Within seconds I'm sat next to mother and across from Nicholas. The silence drags on for too long, I'm
staring at the baroque decorated ceiling.

"Victoria I'm asking you one last time," She stears me deep in the eyes, "Was it you who did that to his room?" She says in a way she already knows the answer, so there's no point in hiding it. It will only get me in more trouble. So I nod. "I don't appreciate you lying to me when we talked in the hallway, you know better than anyone that will have consequences. I wanted to hear what you would say, we had already found you earring between his duvet when they maids were tidying up his room the same day." I flick my eyes over to Nicholas, he's head's hanging low, he's clenching his jaw. If I was not with company, I would be frightened. He sure would attack me again.

"Mr Griffin and I have discussed your incident." She speaks to both me and Nicholas. "And we have come to the conclusion..." she looks at Mr Griffin for aproval to move on. "That since you both ruined each others reputation," Are they really doing this? Did my plan finally pay off? "you both owe each other," Owe each other freedom? Now when I look at Nicholas once more, he's already looking at me and for the first time I see hope in his eyes. "That's why we decided," just spit it out already, set me free. "the marriage is still on."

"What!" Nicholas and I shout in unison as I stand up and my chair scrapes loudly against the floor while at the same time he hits his fist on the table in anger. I immediately regret talking so loudly when my throat aches heavily.

"Yes, and there's no way out now." Mr griffin speaks up.

"Like there ever was a way out." Nicholas shakes his head with a scoff. "All she and I have told you was that we didn't want to get married. Look at us, look what we did after knowing each other for just over a week, what will happen after years of marriage? I can't be under the same roof as her."

"You two have dug your own graves. You're in too deep now, you ruined it for yourselves. Nicholas look at the bright side, this is a great opportunity for you. You are a prince, but by marrying my daughter you'll be a king. And you Victoria, you won't find yourself a husband after the stunt you pulled. Nobody wants a feral bride." Mother explains and points at me to sit down.

"And I'm completely fine with that, so that means this is solved." My voice struggles as I speak.

"So am I." Nicholas raises his hands like he surrenders.

"That's too bad. We've already decided. There will be a marriage if you like it or not." Mother spits.

"Mother," I stand up and walk to the side of her chair. "Please." I whisper while looking her in the eyes, but she turns her head away from me with a roll of her eyes.

"No. I am so frustrated with you right now, I don't want to hear it. Sit down."

"No." A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Excuse me?" She flips back towards me and stand up. Even though I am now grown, and around the same height as my mother, she makes me feel so much smaller. I want to cower away in a corner, that's how intimidated I am. "Just because you got hurt doesn't mean your actions don't have consequences. While you were asleep we discussed a fitting punishment for you." She pointed around the table at the word 'we'. "We sold that horse of yours."

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