Hop-Trump vs Joe Toadstool

Start from the beginning

Anne: You passed the interview?

Sprig: You got the job?

Hop Pop: Nope! I'm running for mayor.

All: Huh?

Hop Pop: Don't you see, kids? If I win this election, I'll prove once and for all that Hopediah Plantar ain't no loser!

Y/N: And, when he gets the job we'll be rich.

The three turned into each other and huddled, whispering secretly to eachother.

Hop Pop: Umm, Y/N, what're they whispering about?

Y/N: Ohh, uhhh. Probably about how good you're gonna be as mayor!

Hop Pop: Huh, well how 'bout that.

The three exited the huddle and turned to Hop Pop.

Anne: Hop Pop, we're all in!

Hop Pop: Really? Aw, kids. I won't let you down. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom practicing my distinguished expression!

Anne: Ugh. Politics are the worst.

Polly: Yeah. The monster fights are pretty cool, though.

Anne: The what now?

Later that day, Hop Pop and Toadstool were stood outside a cave whilst the crowd cheered behind them.

Toadstool: You've made a powerful enemy today, Hopediah. Toads have run uncontested for decades. This is a disgrace.

Hop Pop: The only disgrace is you as mayor.

Mrs. Croaker: Oh, I like this Hopediah.

Villager: I don't know. Toadstool is tried and true.

As the crowd simmered down, Albus Duckweed came before them and announced the first trial.

Duckweed: Ahem! Welcome to the official mayoral trials, where the candidates try to win your vote.

Anne: I'm suddenly very interested in politics.

Duckweed: Our first trial is all about strength. The first candidate to mount the beetle wins!

There was a whistling sound from Duckweed as a beetle roared inside the cave and Y/N gulped nervously.


Y/N: Uhh, Hop Pop! Are you sure you'll be able to do this?

But before Hop Pop could answer him, Duckweed had already signalled them inside.

Duckweed: Ready, set, go!

Toadstool tried and failed to mount the raging beetle, being thrown off in process.

Toadstool: Oh, my giblets! I've got you! No, I don't!

Hop Pop waved around a red banner to try and grab the beetle's attention.

Hop Pop: Hey! Come and get it.

The beetle roared and charged at Hop Pop which he was able to jump over and mount it's back. Y/N was able to breathe a sigh of relief as they moved onto a second trial. They were stood infront of a birds nest with three chirping chicks inside.

Duckweed: The second trial is about sensitivity. Can you figure out what these hatchlings need? A good mayor would.

Toadstool confidently strutted up to the nest with a smug look on his face.

Toadstool: I know what these dumb birds want. Money. All right, all right. Here's your handout.

He threw gold coins at the baby birds who instantly began pecking him whilst he ran off.

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now