Chapter 43

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A drop of red liquid, then another. The way the liquid rippled underneath hypnotized me, as if it was in slow motion. I could see each wave as it went through, hitting the edge and rippling back, disrupting the wave that followed.

"You're late," a familiar voice spoke.

I pulled my attention away from the cup and looked up at Heather, her lips a crimson red. She gently put down the teapot back on the table with the softest of sounds. Gabe was to my right again and the imposter to my left.

"Huh, I guess it's just us this time," I humored.

"Oh, you mean that other guy?" Gabe questioned, then gestured behind me.

Turning left in my seat, I saw there was another table set up with teacups full of blood as well. Jorge lifted one and toasted in my direction.

"I told him your seat was reserved and he'd have to find another table," Gabe mused.

Even in my dreams, I was too tired for this shit. I rubbed my head, then glanced towards the imposter, "You don't belong at this table either."

Smoke billowing softly from his body, his embers glowed slightly then dimmed again, "But I've always sat here."

"Oh c'mon, I've grown quite accustomed to him," Gabe piped up.

I slammed my fist down on the table, "You're not Brodie!"

"This again?" the imposter sighed. "You sound so sure this time."

"Your- his father was at the hospital, keeping an eye on the morgue," I pointed out. "You have to admit that's pretty sus."

"He works at the hospital and regularly takes the deceased down to the morgue. Visitors shouldn't be in the morgue, especially at night. How is any of that suspicious?" the imposter argued.

"He- he just was!" I stammered.

"Well, I'm convinced," Gabe joked. "Imagine arguing with your own subconscious every night. How crazy are you, Dani?"

"If he was guarding my file, why did he let you escape with it?" the imposter tilted his head to the side.

"I don't know, maybe he was so sick of hiding it. Maybe he was happy to finally share the burden of truth," I proposed.

The imposter leaned towards me and whispered, "But he would know the risks involved."

At a loss of words, I just stared into the shadows where eyes should be, "What are you trying to say?"

The imposter sat back in his chair and smiled, "Not everything is as it seems."

"I am dreaming about tea parties with the deceased, of course it's not," I shook my head.

Nodding, his smile faded, "It's time you wake up, Dani."


Blinking, I struggled to remember where I was. My whole body was sore, which could easily be attributed to the awful motel bed I was sleeping on. However, there was a warm body behind me and I instinctually snuggled into it. The body wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer into them. I couldn't help but smile with how warm and safe I felt. I snuck a quick glance and saw Eli sleeping heavily. As happy as it made me feel to see him finally resting, recognizing him also brought back all the awful memories of the past week. Wincing, I turned back around, trying my hardest to push the bad thoughts back out of my head so I could just focus on Eli's warmth.

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